I am wondering if I am crazy...
Which sentence makes more sense?
This course provides medical professionals the tools implement the theory and application of effective treatment of overweight and obesity into their health care practice.
This course provides medical professionals the tools to implement the theory and application into their health care practice of effective treatment of overweight and obesity
The first one makes no sense, the second one might be better as:
This course provides medical professionals the tools to implement the theory and application of effective treatment of overweight and obesity into their health care practice.
"Effective treatment of overweight" is still giving me hives, but perhaps that's current healthcare lingo?
They both seem a bit clunky, Sophia.
That chart is BRILLIANT. Though I have to say, there might be room for the occasional "We're going to hell for this" delivered correctly.
If I had twins I'm not entirely sure I could resist the urge to name them Luke and Leia. Well, probably their middle names.
"Effective treatment of overweight" is still giving me hives, but perhaps that's current healthcare lingo?
That's what I was thinking, brenda.
I would go really simple, like: "This course provides medical professionals with the tools to effectively treat overweight and obesity."
Muffins won. I wanted to try a very simple recipe. They're in the oven now.
Yeah-0 "treatment of overweight" is the medical term- I hate it.
So- what we are trying to do is change this (which is the official course description and cannot have to owrding changed without moving heaven and earth) into a one-sentance description
The course is designed for immediate use to implement the theory and application for effective treatment of overweight and obesity into the health care professional's practice in a variety of settings with a variety of client specific needs. The curriculum will be based on the National Institutes of Health's Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults, The Evidence Report, (1998); American College of Physicians, Obesity, 2001; Weight Management Screening, Assessment and Intervention Toolkit for Adults, 2003; Barlow, S, Dietz, W.Obesity Evaluation and Treatment: Expert Committee Recommendations. Pediatrics. 1998. This course will focus on the nutrition, physical activity, medical and behavioral aspects of weight management. Students will develop comprehensive screening, assessment and intervention skills specific to weight management based on clinical evidence.
Any thoughts... the academicians seem to be caught up on the theory and application thing...
ETA- You don't really actually have to do my work for me, but I wanted someone to see the original I was working from, which is written and approved by people with doctorates! It doesn't make any sense either.
Here's my attempt, Sophia.
This course will enable students to implement the theory and application of effective treatment of overweight and obesity, including nutrition, physical activity, and medical and behavioral modification, in a variety of settings with a variety of client-specific needs.
Oh- that is much better than what I had above, Amy!