How to Avoid Being Mauled by a Mountain Lion
Don't Freeze
Richard Coss, a UC Davis expert on predator-prey relationships, studied 185 cougar-human encounters and found that people who stood still avoided injury only 26 percent of the time. Coss explains that cougars may view your lack of flight as a sign of vulnerability. Of people who backed away, 39 percent survived unscathed. And of those who booked it, 50 percent escaped without a scratch.
I wonder what bearing hysterical shireking has on the situation. Because I'd have that covered.
So, the proper tactic is to run like hell?
So, the proper tactic is to run like hell?
Sounds like it. They also mention using your gun.
eta: Or pulling the lever so the 16 ton weight falls on the cougar.
Yes, the article very helpfully notes that
The mechanism of the gun firing produces a high-velocity lead projectile capable of wounding or killing the Mountain Lion if you hit it.
If you miss, the gun also produces a very loud sound that will probably scare away the attacking animal.
The mechanism of the gun firing produces a high-velocity lead projectile capable of wounding or killing the Mountain Lion if you hit it.
Yeah, I never would have figured that out on my own.
How about throwing rocks?
Or maybe taking a nice pack of Plott Hounds with you?
I suggest not hiking in cougar territory - 100% survival from cougar attacks. Go Team Lazy!
ION - from my calendar - how to make a rain watere collection tank to use on my lawna nd flowers. want a yard so I can make one. The house we rented for a couple of weeks last year had one rigged up under his deck. The gutter drained into it and then hoses ran out from it to different areas of the lawn and flower beds - there was an on/off valve to control the flow and an overflow control that I did not understand.
My mother is cleaning my house. I'm trying to feel guilty about it, but really, I'm too caught up in the throes of packing and did I pack that and when do we need to leave oh shit at rush hour and will you please stop spilling coffee on the counter I just cleaned and and and.
Bill Cosby Portrait in JELL-O Shots
Artist Andrew Salomone created this portrait of Bill Cosby entirely from JELL-O shots, then invited art show visitors to consume the portrait as the party progressed.