How much do you pay for yoga classes? I pay about $16/class for mac's karate, bit am looking at $19 - 21/class for yoga.
Drop-in at my studio is $15/regular class and $6/community classes (these get pretty crowded, naturally). I'm actually getting free yoga now in return for washing the studios rental towels. I really need to go more often!
msbelle, per class session right? $20 is pricey to me for drop in, (here it's like $16 maybe) but the Anusara studio in NYC is $18 for drop in so maybe it's about right?
You know it's monday and Tino's at it when you are at the beach 100+ miles from home, at a campsite, with your baby already fussing in the car seat ready to go and your car battery is dead.
You know Tino just had his ass served to him when a fellow camper has jumper cables and offers to help.
Tino is completely fucking with my internet connection, which is not helpful when I'm trying to chat with my father who is currently in Europe.
Offtopic: Someone slap me, hard. Crushes on friends are verboten. TOTALLY. In Tyler's voice, "I want you to hit me...
as hard as you can."
Is it a crush that suddenly developed over a pre-existing friendship, or did the crush hit soon after meeting? I've had the latter work out OK, the trick was maintaining perspective that the feelings were not mutual.
This is a long-standing friendship with a gay (partnered) friend, who is allowed to frolic outside the primary - and we have. But suddenly I'm just all RAWR and it's not being returned. Angst. I just need to GET OVER IT, and go back to being friends again. The stupid heart-squeeze is unwelcome and DISTRACTING (and hurtful to *him* as well). So: right-hook preferred, that's my good side.
I think it is Tino's fault that nothing is getting done. And I know he made work call me.
Random question: Wouldn't a database table named tblSummaryDetails be a contradiction in terms?
Stephenie, you should be OK on the Metro if you avoid rush hour. And I'd advise keeping both kids in the stroller while you're in the Metro system (little ones tend to wander, I've noticed). I'd also advise getting off at the Cleveland Park stop and walking downhill to the zoo. Then you can walk downhill to the Woodley Park stop when you leave.
I'd also advise getting off at the Cleveland Park stop and walking downhill to the zoo. Then you can walk downhill to the Woodley Park stop when you leave.
This is awesome advice. I knew the zoo was between two stops but I couldn't remember which way the hill went. We are supposed to meet at 10:30, so I think I'll be able to avoid rush hour.
I do have a Beco I could put Frisco in but I'm always just so tired when I've had him in there for a while. Plus, I'd have to carry him and our bags.