So I am the subject of neighborhood drama! My lawn was unmowed because of my back and Billy, my next door neighbor was going to mow my front lawn for me. But the creepy/slow neighbor guy
had his father
come over and tell Billy that I had said that I wanted to do it my self and that Billy should leave it alone.
I haven't spoken to creepy/slow guy since the night he thought me leaving the door open meant a home invasion, so he is totally making shit up. WTF?
Go Juliebird with your mad power- and hand-tool skills!
I just finished planting a meadow sage in my side garden and some pineapple mint in my front porch strawberry pot. I also have black-and-blue sage and lip-stick sage in the side garden. Each looks very unlike the other--it's hard to imagine they're all salvias.
These people really have to get off this street once in a while and see the world!
Air conditioner installed. It was a lot easier for B than it is for me. Hmph.
Next up, blinds and cleaning. And then massive errands. Then parents.
Calli, I love salvias! Especially the tender perennial ones (I'm growing my fave baby blue Bog Sage at work, I so wish it was hardy). I made the mistake one year of planting Salvia mutabilis. Sucker got 8 feet high, but was otherwise very cool, with three colours going on at once.
Sue, that is very weird. And annoying.
For some reason unfathomable to be, I have "The Telephone Hour" from Bye Bye Birdie stuck in my head. You know the one that goes "Did you really get pinned? I just knew it somehow! I must call her right up, I can't talk to you now!" and one hundred million "Goin' Steady's". Also, since I was in that musical twice, I also have the harmony parts stuck. But for goodness sake, the last time I was in or even saw that musical was 16 years ago and this song is polar bearin' annoying!
I just talked to the hairdresser, and I am going to go in next week or the week after for the big chop, which gives me a little longer to get the undyed part to a better length, and then it's bye bye hair.
Salvia mutabilis
Ooooh, I've never heard of that one before. I wonder if I could stick it along the wall somewhere . . .
I fell in love with black and blue salvias a few years ago, but this is the first place I've lived in where I could plant them. It's fun discovering the other varieties, too.
I guess since the blinds guy is here, I should start cleaning. Bah.