Salvia mutabilis
Ooooh, I've never heard of that one before. I wonder if I could stick it along the wall somewhere . . .
I fell in love with black and blue salvias a few years ago, but this is the first place I've lived in where I could plant them. It's fun discovering the other varieties, too.
I guess since the blinds guy is here, I should start cleaning. Bah.
Lee, I think you'd look great in a pixie cut!
I am rewatching last night's no-hitter again. And now crying all over again. I want Shotgun Cain to throw one tonight since Steve and I will be there.
Creepy, Sue!
All I wanted to do today was go to the library and buy milk, and even seems to have been overly ambitious. Have not yet made it off the couch.
Calli, if you ever find S. mutabilis, it's a biennial, fyi.
I'm watching Eureka instead
Jesse, I'm sitting in the library right now, which may be why I read that and thought "...she can buy milk at the library?"
Sue, that is creepy and weird.
Plei, I would put nothing past you and your iPhone.
And that plushie/bunny picture is ADORABLE.
Man, I wish I could buy milk at the library!
Not really.
Mac and I went to the dentist. I mentioned to them that I had still never got the fillings they said I need last time, so they just did them today. I had not planned on being all numb faced. Trying to drink now, an hour later, still difficult.