Yay, Sara and her newfound freedom!
Boo, Cash's family with the craxiness.
I just dropped the dogs and cat off at boarding. Jasmine decided to slip her lead and go cavort with swans. Luckily, a) she didn't make it into the pond and b) I deliberately went at a slow time so there were plenty of people around to corral her.
Freakin' Labs and their perpetual adolescent tendencies.
I love her, but she's the Debbil.
I don't think I should have mentioned my hatred of the Green Lantern in my dating profile. No one wants to kiss me, but they all want to debate the merits of the green bastard, and whether or not Aquaman sucks more.
Well, at least you're weeding out the hopeless geeks?
So why is Green Lantern lame, besides his helplessness in the face of the color yellow?
I mean, obviously Aquaman is lame, as how many crimes take place underwater?
I mean, obviously Aquaman is lame, as how many crimes take place underwater?
I've seen James Bond movies. Every other megalomaniac villain has at least one submarine.
I used to think Aguaman was quite lame, but that's one of the reasons why Season Two of Entourage is funny, so the drippy bastard gets a pass.(Plus, Vinnie Chase wet is kind of a fun thought to have.)
I really did think Rachel was Jewish.
You'd be surprised.
I hope so. I really do hope so.