Need your cats to get a paying job?
At the Nekorobi cat cafe in Tokyo, customers pay $10 an hour to watch pillows being shredded and pummeled. Most patrons are 20- to 30somethings seeking healing by cats or those who cannot afford to have pets full time.
Not for nothing, and I do loathe W, but that is how he talks - there's not much faux there. Growing up in Midland and Houston, not an uncommon accent for people not trying to maintain an less-accented speech.
As an example, my parents both grew up in New Mexico with all their siblings. NM is kind of the land of no accent. They all moved as adults to various parts of Texas and raised their children in TX. One of my aunts has a very strong, almost ridiculous west TX accent now (think an older Mrs. Taylor on FNL - "HIiii Y'all. How are ya doin'?" with upswing drawl at the end of each sentence if not word.) despite not even growing up there. My mom, less so with the accent, and the rest of my aunts and uncles, basically nothing. My brother and I actively worked to lessen our accents, but all my cousins have varying degrees of TX accents based on the regions they lived in.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that, yes, Obama is a pro-woman, pro-reproductive-rights President: [link] So, there's that.
This is the first day in 8 years that I didn't think the government wanted to send troops to patrol my uterus.
(Not to mention, closing Gitmo.)
I feel like I woke up in a parallel universe.
But he grew up in Maine.
And his siblings don't do it.
I'm sure he works it. It's like that YouTube of Sarah Palin politicing before her national campaign -- strangely bereft of "gonnas" and "you betchas".
I'm surprised that there isn't a similar "youtube" of Bush with and without faux Texan accent.
Teppy - so exciting to wake up and discover that they've stopped the star chamber trials - even if it's only a temporary measure.
I feel like I woke up in a parallel universe.
Walking past all the newsstands in GCT this morning, I got a little jolt of happy every time I saw the words "President Obama."
Teppy - so exciting to wake up and discover that they've stopped the star chamber trials - even if it's only a temporary measure.
I *seriously* feel like I woke up in a parallel universe. After 8 years of repressive, regressive, illiterate, ham-fisted EVIL, I don't even know how to deal with actual justice and liberty and multisyllabic words.
What I've read says Bush, Sr. moved to TX in 1948, that puts W at 2 years old.
I feel like I woke up in a parallel universe.
I dunno, I'm kinda disappointed. So far no news of world peace, global warming is still happening, the stock market didn't hit an all time high shortly after open, and my car is still using gas instead of being powered by sunshine and rainbows. OTOH, the weather has improved. Maybe I'm being a bit impatient.