I just e-mailed my boss with my "I'm sick, can't work today" message. I started getting a scratchy throat on the drive home from the inauguration party yesterday afternoon, and now I've got a sore throat, cough, and slight fever. Um, yay?
This is the busy time for us right now, so I hate doing this to her, but I just can't go in and get everyone else sick(er) than they are already. Also, I'm ready to take another nap only an hour after I woke up.
Also, with the chopper, I couldn't tell...did Bill get on that thing, too? Was it all the still living ex-presidents on that thing? Because I know Bush Sr. got on that.
I kinda hope it was all the ex-presidents. What an awkward conversation that would be.
Bush Sr.: So. Uh. Hi guys.
Clinton: Is there a wet bar on this thing? I could use a beer.
W.: Me too!
Bush Sr.: Shut up, you. So. Carter. How's it goin'?
Carter: I'm doing okay. Being a statesman. Having my name touted about, you know.
W.: Didn't you win a contest or sumthin'?
Bush Sr.: I told you to shut up.
Carter: A Nobel Peace Prize. Wanna see it?
Clinton: You carry that thing around with you?
Carter: Yeah. Why?
Clinton: No reason. *coughneedycough*
Carter: I heard that.
Clinton: Wanna drink?
Carter: What about you, Bush?
W.: Well...
Carter: I meant Senior.
Bush Sr.: Yeah, shut up. I'm doing fine. Skydiving, you know. How about you, Clinton?
Clinton: Doin' all right. I have a waterbed in my office covered with money and interns. I go and roll around on it at lunch.
Bush Sr.: Nice. Dignified.
W.: Did you know I was a war president?
W.: Awww, Dad...
I was annoyed because the channel we were watching cut away before we could see how they were getting him down the stairs. I really wanted to see that...B-DUMP! B-DUMP! B-DUMP! B-DUMP! B-DUMP!
On The Daily Show they showed a clip where Cheney was turned dramatically out of frame at the top of the stairs. All I could think was "Dalek".
I bet the Clintons stayed in town - isn't Hillary still being voted on in the Senate?
I am glad to have had the discussion of Lowery's closing here yesterday. Already having the Zora Neale refernce, I dug a further today to find the original source: "Big Bill" Broonzy's classic "Black, Brown and White Blues (Get Back)."
And original being probably loose, since the phrasing was probably a chant and part of an oral tradition of protest song/chant before the 50s when Broonzy recorded the song.
Anyway that is more time than google challenged right-wing co-workers deserve, but I am happy to have the knowledge.
W.: Did you know I was a war president?
Is it wrong that I'm hearing this in Ralph Wiggum's voice?
Is it wrong that I'm hearing this in Ralph Wiggum's voice?
This would have made the last 8 years slightly more tolerable instead of the faux good-ole-boy voice W. really uses. But I don't think Ralph Wiggum mutilates the English language enough.
On The Daily Show they showed a clip where Cheney was turned dramatically out of frame at the top of the stairs. All I could think was "Dalek".
In the second video on dailyshow.com you can see it at about 3:50