Poking head to post that, you guys, I was actually catching up (even though I'm supposed to work right now) on your watch-and-post from the inauguration and the events around it, and it was just so special to experience your historical moment through your emotions and responses and thoughts (and, wow, actually being there!). I really appreciate being able to share this with you.
And then, the day ended with a phone call from my brother, on reserve duty, saying that he's coming home. Goodness, what a wonderful ending for the day.
That is an excellent day-ender indeed, Nilly.
Thanks for the links to the Malia/Sasha slide shows, and am so amused that Malia was taking pictures for a class project. (And in one of the few Inaugural moments I caught live, Biden was taking a picture for her.
Nilly, that is fantastic news!
in one of the few Inaugural moments I caught live, Biden was taking a picture for her
One of the things I appreciate about the new administration is that it strikes me that the two families are good friends. Heck, it almost seems like the Biden family has been sort of folded into the Obama family.
That was hilarious, Strega.
Good news, Nilly!
I still have only seen highlights of the actual inauguration, but a couple of points:
For a country big on the separation of church and state, there were a lot of prayers and preachers. (I couldn't even tell you what religion our PM is.)
My Country Tis of Thee is a total rip off of God Save the Queen, the British Nat'l anthem. There are a kabillion Patriotic US songs, you think you could step off on that one? Also, as the Daily Show highlighted, Aretha Franklin had some unfortunate phrasing in that song. You really don't want to take a breath in the middle of the word "country."
Thirdly, our local news had kids from a local black community talking about the inauguration, and it was so cute and touching to hear a few of them say, they had been waiting their whole lives for something like this. And I saw a bunch of people (even Beyonce) say that Obama made them want to be a better person. I hope everyone keeps that in their hearts.
That was fun, Strega.
There was some discussion about the quantity of prayer in the inauguration, more than previous ceremonies. The conjecture being that the President and the Democrats are reclaiming God as being as much on their side as the Republicans.
My Country Tis of Thee is a total rip off of God Save the Queen, the British Nat'l anthem.
Aims commented on that too. I called her a Royalist and reminded her that her side lost. In the 18th century.
She hit me.
I loved the speech (yes, we watched live at home...Em missed it being sick and napping) but, being me, I couldn't help cracking wise. In my head parts of it went like this:
President Obama: Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some...
George W. Bush: Dude. Sitting right here!
President Obama: On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.
George W. Bush: RIGHT HERE!
President Obama: ...Those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account — to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day
George W. Bush: Okay, now you're being kind of a dick.
And I kinda loved the whole "leaving of the ex-president" bit. Again, I show you how it went in my head, even though we couldn't hear what was actually being said:
George W. Bush: "...you don't think I'd ask for a twelve inch pianist, do you?" Hah! Get it?
President Obama: Yeah, no, that was great. Now, you're sure you didn't leave anything behind, right?
George W. Bush: I'm sure. Sheesh. You're kinda pushy.
And as the helicopter lifted off and flew away...
Michelle Obama: God. What a douchenozzle.
President Obama: Word.
(Terrorist fist bump)