Yay Banks! My favorite Banks book is "Excession". I just love reading Minds getting snarky with each other.
I had trouble with "Use of Weapons". I will try again, once I'm done with "Heroics for Beginners" by John Moore. (Which y'all must read, so I can say, "I'm milking the giant cow" and you get it.)
Someone tell me when the trophy ceremony is over?
I'm at the Botanic Garden today. The weather is gorgeous, and the place is empty! Yay!
SH, you are a fellow of taste and discernment! Which, okay, we already knew (the coat!) but still - good job!
...you know, I don't think I've read
Must rectify that.
I love
Use of Weapons,
but it's definitely Banks in magnificently twisty-turny and thoroughly fucked-up mode. Which I thoroughly enjoy. Honestly, you're reading it KNOWING
that he's going to have twists, and red herrings and all that, because it's Banks, and so you're looking for them,
and yet
even so, he STILL managed to lead me down the garden path very successfully with this one. Which is a big part of my love for the story - that I actually jumped up and said "Oh my God - no WAY!" out loud at one point.
That eye/tooth thing may officially be the weirdest thing I've ever heard of, if true. Cause...dude. That's just creepy.
Okay, my back is officially fucked. I have no idea what's going on, but I just found myself at the drugstore, unable to reach down and get a bottle of Aspirin on a knee high shelf. I could neitehr bend at the hips or squat. Finally I managed to squat down just enough to reach, but I thought I was going to have to call the pharmacist over to pick them up for me.
I was going to a movie, but I just came home after that adventure.
Aaaand I just got spoiled for both championship matches, which I'd managed to avoid so far.
Fucking time difference.
So, I was sitting here this morning, and I got a surprise call from a friend who was on the highway 20 minutes away! So we went and had lunch, and I met her new boyfriend. Good times.
Roger's warm-up outfit makes him seem kind of douchey.
I like his warm up outfit. It has a Michael Jackson feel to it which is kinda weird, though.
I wonder how much control they exercise over what they wear--Nike had Serena and Sharapova looking a bit like drum majorettes too, and with the same gold highlights. Just not the silly shoes.
After the match ended,
Nike and Netjets bust out their Congrats on 15! ads. The Nike one made me tear up.
A really great match, that was. I love tennis. I can't wait for the US Open and to see both those guys again, especially.