After the shooting of the Holocaust Museum, I made this comment here. I found out that the ATF raided Tom Metzger's house in my home town.
We need to go shopping for a new microwave and a new audio receiver today. I hope there are holiday sales going on.
is my lap big enough for both my kitty and my 17" MacBook Pro?
lifts eyebrows
...that's what he said.
Meanwhile, I feel like I should apologise for the uncouthness of my inebriated countrymen. Particularly with their rudeness about the soup. (Although, if I'm perfectly honest, I'd have been
the same thing about cold soup - gazpacho et al will always fill me with sorrow and puzzlement at the Not!Soupness, because there's always a sense of "Yay! Soup! Which is hot and yummy and...oh." But wild horses would never have dragged such a sentiment from my lips, in regard to food someone else had generously provided for my consumption. Hell, I have willingly drunk SOUR milk WITH LUMPS IN and smiled and said thank you, rather than hurt a host's feelings.)
Glad people seem to have had a good 4th of July! The Polar Bear toy was an awesome choice, Hec - and I'm still agog at the Death Star. Agog.
I was watching Wimbledon, but I needed to take a break from John McEnroe.
My lower back and hips have been killing me for the last 3-4 days. Not always at the same time. I have no idea what has brought this on, but it has to stop.
Does anyone have a link to Federer's warm up suit?
I found out that the ATF raided Tom Metzger's house in my home town.
It looks like he's not actually from Kosciusko County. I hope not. I don't want there to be any chance that we're related.
I would have made a much better guest at Juliebird's party. I love cold soup. Certainly drinkers of light beer have no idea what good is.
They turned a guy's tooth into his eye, and he can now see for the first time in 12 years!
Timelies all!
Was down on the Mall for the 4th, and yes, it was insanely crowded. Weather was nice for once.(Last few years have seen thunderstorms at some point during the day)
Had a dream involving zombies(or something like them) and people alternately trying to hide from them or trying to figure out how to kill them. My brain is odd...
That eye tooth situation is BONKERS.
I'm wondering if it's some sort of made-up story -- I'll misbelieve until I see more stories from other science/health sites that don't cite it but have other information. (There's not enough technical details in the story to convince me it would work, or there would be other methods, like a corneal transplant that would work better.)