Yes, there are a number of things Obama's done, or not done, that have annoyed me. And a number I've quite liked. I know the proportions would be much more skewed to "not liked" if McCain-Palin had been elected, but there's something extra annoying when it's someone you voted for pissing you off.
Nipples, penis, and farting, though. The transition from baby to boy is now complete.
Give him a beer and he'll be set to pledge the frat of his choice.
D asked my SIL if she was broken because she didn't have a penis. She squashed that perception right quick. Never know how their little brains will process.
"It's Mommy and Daddy's penis!!"
Heh. Matilda went through a phase of making announcements about her vagina in just about every public place imaginable.
"My vagina hurts! My vagina has a rash! It's my vagina! Daddy has a penis!"
ION, we've added to the lexicon. Whilst driving home in the car this afternoon...
Me: Jesus! You burp like a peasant.
JZ: Sorry. I had Mexican food.
Emmett: I burp like that all the time.
Me: You
a peasant.
Matilda: You're a peasant bear!
Stephen Colbert would be so proud.
OK, this could not be more random, but: today in Coney Island, they had some hot dog eating contest between people and elephants. Of course the elephants won, but this woman on the local news just asserted that she was the real winner because she ate 10% of her body weight, while the elephants only ate 3%. Now, she was a small woman, but STILL. TEN PERCENT OF HER BODY WEIGHT.
Oooh, yard sale the next street over tomorrow! Maybe I can get a cheap ironing board. And she says "storage stuff" so maybe some shelves.
I swear, a little red wagon would be good in this hood. When I picked up the catbox enclosure, a LRW would have been easier than putting it in my car.
And damn, maybe I need to be burning msbelle's anti-mosquito candles inside. I just got bit twice.
Luckily for me, Md mosquito bites, while they itch like hell initially, don't linger and fester like NM and NC ones did. I just have to avoid scratching myself a bruise in the meantime.
Yeah, some kind of wagon often seems like a good idea in neighborhoody places. I still don't have an ironing board because of the thought of carrying one home, even from down the street....
Why are you defending yourself when you got into an eating contest WITH AN ELEPHANT?
Speaking of insect bites, I managed to find the one ant in the entire pool complex earlier today and the little bastard bit me right on top of my toe.