I don't really find that convincing. It's way too soon to resign to do that and not have some taint of "quitter" about it.
I agree with this, and I also think bon bon has a point.
I'm just afeared that the snake shaking, 'protect her from the devil' minister that anointed her a while back, or someone of that ilk, has offered to help her to ascend to Mayor proportions and take over the world. Because, after all, God has special plans for her.
I'd join in the schadenfreude, except that Jon Stewart blew a few good holes in the Prez's image last night. Oy. I want our side to be better than hers!
Trying to guess what the hell she's thinking is a hopeless quest.
Understanding her is likely a scary place to be.
Yeah. Senate Run seems likely.
OK, a friend in Facebook just came out with:
Her official reason is, since she's not running for relection, she'd be a lame duck and doesn't want to waste the taxpayers time/money being lame for the next two years?
Yglesias is saying she's now saying she's out of politics for good, but no link so I don't know what that's about.
As I thought about this announcement that I wouldn't run for re-election, and what that means for Alaska, I thought about how, well, how much fun some Governors have as lame ducks. They maybe travel around their state, travel to other states, maybe take their overseas international trade missions.
Is she talking about Sanford like Kos suggests? This is all so bizarre.
She's off to be Girl Rush. This was all her roundabout means of ending up with a TV show.
The timing is what makes the Palin thing so odd to me, but yeah, I bet she ends up making money in the media, Huckabee style.
Palin as a media personality does a lot less harm than her governing while still leaving her around for the mockage.
If anyone gets an extra invite for google voice, I'd like one. thanks.
mac and I are home from and AWESOME day at the Bronx Zoo. We totally lucked out with weather. I am now beat.
We got home to 4!! boxes waiting for us. some puzzle, pjs and future gifts for mac. 2 plates and a madame alexander doll off ebay for me. Clothes and shoes from Land's End for both of us. One pair of shoes will have to go back, but the rest is great.
Must be something in the air - we took Dylan to the Prospect Park Zoo today too. Had a great time until it started raining, then went out for yummy Mexican food for lunch. (Would have done Tom's, but the line was around the block.)
Dylan is now watching Manahmanah for the millionth time on my computer (oh second monitor, how I love thee) while I futz around on the internet. I feel I should be limiting screen time, but then when would I get a chance to check the board?