If anyone gets an extra invite for google voice, I'd like one. thanks.
mac and I are home from and AWESOME day at the Bronx Zoo. We totally lucked out with weather. I am now beat.
We got home to 4!! boxes waiting for us. some puzzle, pjs and future gifts for mac. 2 plates and a madame alexander doll off ebay for me. Clothes and shoes from Land's End for both of us. One pair of shoes will have to go back, but the rest is great.
Must be something in the air - we took Dylan to the Prospect Park Zoo today too. Had a great time until it started raining, then went out for yummy Mexican food for lunch. (Would have done Tom's, but the line was around the block.)
Dylan is now watching Manahmanah for the millionth time on my computer (oh second monitor, how I love thee) while I futz around on the internet. I feel I should be limiting screen time, but then when would I get a chance to check the board?
Andrea Mitchell is reporting that Palin has told her allies she's out of politics completely.
And out of the blue Dylan is now telling me he has two nipples. I guess I'm proud of him for the accurate counting?
(He also has taken to pointing to his penis and exclaiming "It's Mommy and Daddy's penis!!" The logic, I suppose, being that everything else he thinks is really awesome belongs to us and not to him, so why not this? Nipples, penis, and farting, though. The transition from baby to boy is now complete.)
I am beat from the zoo, too! And had yummy Mexican dinner! We are as one. I am also feeling pleased with myself because I took the rest of the can of refried beans and froze it in single-serving tostada-shaped blobs.
Andrea Mitchell is reporting that Palin has told her allies she's out of politics completely.
I wouldn't believe a word that woman said even if she told me the sky was blue.
Jon Stewart blew a few good holes in the Prez's image last night.
I'm so annoyed with Obama right now. I'm not sorry I voted for him, but I want to throttle him for his bullshit on gay rights.
The Daily Show piece focused on the promises of transparency that are far from being realized. This makes me sad.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. It's disappointing.
I think there is or was an investigation of Palin coming down the pike. I can't imagine another reason she'd be talking about wasting time and money. If she was just tired of politics (hard to believe that), then I think we'd be hearing about spending time with her family.
There is no way this is to concentrate on 2012, quitting in the middle of your term would sink her if she ran.
The lame duck stuff is just nuts. How about all the governors on their last term-limited term? Of course, it is Palin so who knows.