damn forgot to tape.
So I had a burst of motivation and got some stuff done: put clothes away, more winter clothes packed up (and off my sewing table), get rid of clothes divided into giveaway and sell, and drying racks folded up.
Now to go get mac, let's all hold hands and pray for shiny happy mac.
If they opened outward, you'd need more floorpsace for other people to get past. And you'd still have to expect that someone's going to take a door to the face occasionally.
Usually they reserve the door-to-the-face function for the large heavy door into the restroom.
eta: Mac! Be shiny and happy for your beleaguered mother.
Here's my current hygiene question: What is up with the people who use the paper towel to touch all the doors on their way out of the bathroom? I figure those are the cleanest doorknobs around, since most people at least make a half-assed effort to wash their hands in the bathroom.
Actually, it's generally the place in the bathroom with the most germs. I never used to do it until I heard one of these people
the same people who use the millimeter thin toilet seat cover thinking it's going to prevent something "yucky" from getting on them.
come in to the bathroom at work, do the whole paper on the toilet seat, and then leave without washing their hands. I figure I have the paper towel in my hands anyway so I just keep it until I get back to my desk.
ETA: This is also because there is no garbage near the bathroom door anyway.
Cat drifting!
Awesome video. Also, note the two-cat pileup at the cat-door....
This is freaky: The Little Mermaid (video)
Little girl with Mermaid syndrome, rare congenital abnormality (only 3 people in world have it)
When Sagrada Familia is finished, it will be added to Ceiling Porn.
I'm not a Christian; I tend not to be whelmed (under- or over-) by their stuff. However - walking into the still-greatly-unfinished sanctuary and looking so far up...into stone trees (with leaves and birds and vines and flowers) which are the columns holding up that ceiling...
Quite literally took my breath away. I can't wait until it's done in the 2020s.
However - walking into the still-greatly-unfinished sanctuary and looking so far up...into stone trees (with leaves and birds and vines and flowers) which are the columns holding up that ceiling...
I would love to do that. I love the stories of generations of craftspeople working on cathedrals, of knowing that they won't see the finished product, but also knowing that they were creating a thing of beauty that would stand for a very long time.
Sagrada Familia
The Gaudi in Barcelona? His buildings are a wonder.
I am looking for a pediatric dentist and an adult dentist. My dental insurance is No Help At All. HATE.
The Serena/Dementieva match was amazing - but wTF? Dinara Safina in no way looked like a player that was #1. She won't be #1 for long, will she