quester, thank you for the apology. I am sorry if you felt jumped on at all, and I know that you would not offend intentionally.
I can't cut and paste because I am on my phone, but I wanted to clarify my earlier statements. I was in no way saying that the prayer was not exclusionary, and I am so sorry for the people who felt excluded by it, and I was not saying that Jesus's name was not overused in the speech. It probably was, but Warren didn't hold my attention, so I really can't say. I was simply responding to what I was reading as a sentiment by some that Jesus should have been exclude from the invocation altogether.
The speech in general was littered with stiletto jabs at the Bush administration, I thought - nicely done.
I kept muttering "ooh SNAP" under my breath.
Oh, geez, Polgara, that's rotten news.
ABC is reporting Ted Kennedy collapsed at the lunch. :-(
Aw jeez, I hope he wasn't just holding on to reach this day.
They're reporting an ambulance pulling up to the capitol, probably for Kennedy.
Pete Wentz watched the inaugeration from a tree in furry boots!
For a second I thought the wee man had
come out as a furrie -- though he's not exactly "in".
I heard about Robert Byrd having some sort of seizure, but I didn't hear about Kennedy.
I heard about Robert Byrd having some sort of seizure, but I didn't hear about Kennedy.
They're speculating that Byrd was taken out because he was so upset about Kennedy. Nothing's confirmed yet either way.