From, and how I meant it, italics mine:
/ˈpɒlɪtɪk/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pol-i-tik] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. shrewd or prudent in practical matters; tactful; diplomatic.
And I'm of the mind that it's the woman's right to choose all by her damned self.
Yes. What I'm saying.
I don't expect Obama to be all things to all people, but I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time. The difference between Bush and Obama is night and day. Bush may not have been the darkest of nightmare filled nights (okay maybe he was) and Obama may not be the epitome of the most perfect day, but at the moment all is good in my political world. I'm certain that we will never have a president that agrees with me on every single issue, but I am delighted that we have come this close. I'm not applauding each and every decision he has made, but in the big picture I enthusiastically applaud his vision and dreams for this country. He might even have a chance to make changes we all want to see.
Bev, I wasn't saying "politic" like it was a bad thing.
I don't expect Obama to be all things to all people, but I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time. The difference between Bush and Obama is night and day. Bush may not have been the darkest of nightmare filled nights (okay maybe he was) and Obama may not be the epitome of the most perfect day, but at the moment all is good in my political world. I'm certain that we will never have a president that agrees with me on every single issue, but I am delighted that we have come this close. I'm not applauding each and every decision he has made, but in the big picture I enthusiastically applaud his vision and dreams for this country. He might even have a chance to make changes we all want to see.
Laura is me.
And there is a big part of me that likes Obama very much *specifically* because I LOVE his kick-ass wife. Seriously. I don't believe in a million years that someone married to someone like Michelle Obama could ever be dismissive of women and their needs and rights.
The Laugh Out Loud Guide to the SAT
The Laugh Out Loud Guide: Ace the SAT Exam without Boring Yourself to Sleep! uses comedy to prepare students for the dreaded SAT. Here are a few sample questions. How would you do?
1. Yo Momma so _______, when you mail her a letter, you need two zip codes.
(A) diaphanous
(B) luminous
(C) ravenous
(D) grisly
(E) corpulent
I had no CLUE Pete Seeger was that old! The picture in the link is from 1944, performing for Eleanor Roosevelt as a "noted folk singer"! I thought he was standard issue 60's era folkie, age-wise. IE, radicalized 20-something heir-of-Woody-Guthrie, not fellow-of-Woody-Guthrie.
And there is a big part of me that likes Obama very much *specifically* because I LOVE his kick-ass wife.
I swear she was cheered as loudly if not more loudly in Wilmington than he was. And then we all sang her Happy Birthday. It was a beautiful moment.
Born 1919, it says. Holy cow! Yeah, I always assumed he was much... Bob Seger, that's who I sometimes mix him up with. Even still, though. He was in his 50s in the 60s.
My favorite Cheney headline wasn't an Onion one, but was in similar vein: Cheney to Join Wolfram & Hart
My impression of Obama's stance on LGBT issues is that he's generally inclusive and will push for things like a repeal of DADT and legally equivalent civil unions where pragmatic fair treatment issues are raised, but that religious hangups about the word "marriage" will keep him silent about DOMA and Proposition 8-style legislation. I'll settle for tangible gains, as him not wanting to admit that a legally equivalent civil union is in fact a marriage in name as well will count for diddly-squat if we actually have all the legal rights associated with marriage.
I just don't get all this "unchanged for thousands of years" rhetoric about the meaning of marriage. Who's the genius who came up with this piece of bullshit, and why is everyone hopping on board? NOTHING about human culture has been unchanged for thousands of years, including women's role in the family, "personal" relationships with god, and, um, you get the point!
Okay, that was tangential. Sorry. I think Matt's post is well-reasoned and I think I agree with him.
religious hangups about the word "marriage" will keep him silent about DOMA and Proposition 8-style legislation.
He said more than once during the campaign that he opposed Prop 8.