sarameg, did you see this in the paper today about trying to drive to the inaugaration? There's also suggestions at the end for public transit options.
Anytime I hear about great crowds like that, I think, "what about if you have to go to the bathroom?"
Chicago Bob and I are taking the light rail to the Marc train, leaving at ass o'clock and staying for 12+ hours. Where I'm going to pee is my biggest concern! Also, what to wear. But it was too close to not try to go be a part of it. Especially because CB was coming into town and he really wanted to go down. And at least it won't be as cold as it was on Saturday morning when we saw Obama & Biden at the Wilmington train station. But that was not only cold but really freaking cool and I'm so glad we did it!
Will you be able to mail things? Isn't the PO closed?
I got one load of laundry in, but the machine I used may well be broken, sigh. I also motivated to wash the dishes, but that's it. We leave for a movie in an hour, not sure what I can get done in that time, maybe get sheets on the bed.
I think, "what about if you have to go to the bathroom?"
You hold it. I've done the Mall-crowd thing a couple of times- Clinton in '92 and a 4th of July that reached towards the numbers that this one will. (In retrospect, it's probably good it was 100 F that day...) I think I availed myself of the porta-potties in '92, but ...yeah, doubt it this time.
It took about 90 minutes to shuffle (and I do mean shuffle. Babysteps) to the metro-station to leave. I honestly expect the same or much worse this time. Pros for less onerous: the parade is later. So some people will attempt to head for that even though they've been warned not to. Cons: mass exodus when the address by Obama is over. I'd love to stick around for the poem, just out of curiosity, but we'll see. I'm pretty much planning for it to take the entire afternoon to get back to my car.
lisah, I'm planning to take 29 down.
I'd love to stick around for the poem, just out of curiosity, but we'll see. I'm pretty much planning for it to take the entire afternoon to get back to my car.
Our Marc train doesn't leave until 7:20 at night so I'm hoping the crowds will have dissipated a bit by then. I'm not sure what all we'll do between the end of inauguration and when we can go home though. Find a bar probably!
Having done Times Square on New Years 2000 (where we were there for 20 hours), the portopotties weren't that bad to get to and get back, but we also just limited intake a lot.
The only time I was in big crowd no potty option was NYE in Times Square. We went about 10 hours. Not drinking anything helped. I don't think I could manage now. I am a frequent pee-er.
I'm so glad I was in DC last week instead of this week.
The Mall already had a shitload of porta-potties. What's scary is the thought there might still not be enough....
I don't think I could manage now. I am a frequent pee-er.
I am too. I think it will be fine, really. I'll probably just have to wait in a lot of lines.