Good morning, everyone!
Sophia, I'd check with your doctor, unless the price would be better in Canada. I have the same memories you do of every woman I knew having muscle relaxants for cramps back in the day. Luckily, I grew out of really bad cramps by college, but I still "enjoy" very heavy periods that never have predictable start days.
I'm glad I stayed home from the Shakesville party yesterday. I laid down on the couch to watch tv around 5:30 last night and didn't wake up until 11:45. Then, of course, I didn't get back to sleep until 5:00 this morning, but I woke up at 9:30, so it didn't throw off my sleep pattern too much. I just couldn't believe I was that tired, but I guess I was!
I'm running some errands this afternoon, and then will watch the inauguration concert on HBO (I don't get HBO normally, but they're supposed to have it available to everyone, so I'm hoping I'll be able to see it).
I slept away my SUnday morning alone. People will be here in an hour or an hour and a half and I haven't showered yet and certainly have not done any "chores" that I had hoped to. Oh well, I guess I shower and see what I feel like after that. I did get all my nails done last night and they look good, so that is something.
wow, no posts. I decided the best thing for me would be to continue the relaxing evening and morning - starting a mad rush to "get things done" would undo all the calm I am enjoying.
I put on Norah Jones, then did a little prep work to re-grout a bit of my shower, then took a bath and finally sorted the laundry and was straightening the bathroom a bit when I knocked a small glass bowl off a shelf and CRASH into the everywhere. I got my barefooted self out of there without incident and have closed the door. Now to find shoes and clean that up.
Team Zmayhem has been virtuous this morning. Emmett and I took Matilda over to Kezar Stadium for our workout and took turns watching her while we each did a lap on the track, and then did the two banks of stairs. Matilda herself ran back and forth across the field chasing whoever was doing their lap.
Then we walked to the corner store, got fizzy water and a banana and we're back home, drinking water and eating banana and oranges. Virtuous!
This afternoon we're heading out to the 'burbs for the going away party for JZ's mom (who is moving to Reno).
We haven't heard yet from the North Beach Party People so I'm presuming they're all sleeping off epic hangovers or are possibly just as virtuously running around their neighborhoods.
We finally got our Christmas tree down and put everything away. I've cleaned the kitchen and the bedrooms today but we need to work on the toy room.
I also hung this coat rack by our back door.
I went to brunch at the gay sports bar. I'm going to unthaw for a few minutes, then head back out to run a few errands. The weather forecast promised warmer temperatures this weekend, but it's still 5F with wind chill right now.
went to cafe , farmer's market and TJ's. Found the concert on one of the radio channels on cable and--- if I get off the internts -- will clean while listening -- or I will spend the time texting Matt