Also, whoo, social activism in the digital world. I just emailed Orvis to complain about their sending me a gift card in an envelope in a gift box with ribbon in a separate shipping box. (It was part of a promotional deal where if I bought luggage from them, I got a $100 gift card. I bought a backpack for $109. Heh. But anyway, it didn't come in the box with the backpack. It came on the same day in its own box.) Seriously, for an outdoorsy vendor like Orvis, with its own sustainability plan and everything, it was a tad excessive.
And anyway, I got email back within minutes from the chair of their sustainability committee saying thanks, and he'd bring it up at their next meeting. Go instant gratification!
Hey lori, you around? Is it JPL's off Friday?
And anyway, I got email back within minutes from the chair of their sustainability committee saying thanks, and he'd bring it up at their next meeting. Go instant gratification!
That's great! Isn't it almost enough to feel heard in those situations?
they sometimes heard faux voices
Faux voices? Were they using a pretentious accent?
Too much caffeine can make you hallucinate
So us chronic insomniacs have wide range of fun choices! Hallucinate from sleep deprivation, hallucinate from too much caffeine, or hallucinate from the prescription medication you took in hopes of falling asleep sooner. Awesome!
We've secretly replaced Jilli's coffee and sleep meds with LSD. Let's see if she notices...
Did people hear the TAL with the stories of radon in houses causing aural and visual hallucinations? Basically any old haunted house with lots of reports of ghost sightings and/or hearings is probably some level of radon in the home. It was facisinating.
Isn't it almost enough to feel heard in those situations?
Totally! I'm all whoo, activism, based on a few keystrokes. But you betcha I'll follow-up with them and see what the committee said. Being heard is good. Creating change, even better.
Hubby was talking to his surgeon about his upcoming surgery. It was rescheduled twice because the surgeon refuses to use the surgical suite in the clinic where he sees Hubby. Hubby, rightly, wanted to know why, because he's got more than one surgeon in that clinic. Doc didn't go into details, and neither did the nurse, so Hubby went out and schmoozed with the office manager. Hubby is a world-class schmoozer.
Turns out the surgical suite is walled with drywall, which the surgeon abhors because it cannot be kept sterile enough, the lights aren't as bright as he likes, etc. The Facilities people will "get around" to upgrading it. Hubby said he ought to send a letter to Facilities saying he's tired of the inconvenience of rescheduling around facilities his surgeon refuses to use, and the Office Manager brightened up and said, "Oh, would you?"
Hubby told her he'd have to wait for his wife to get home, because I do all his dictation, and the Office Manager volunteered to be his secretary. So they pull up his Yahoo email and he begins dictating a letter. He puts in things like "I prefer to keep my molds in my cheese and wine, thank you", which amused the Office Manager. She said she wanted to keep a copy and offer it to all their surgical patients to send in.
So they send it and are chatting about other things, and his email account is still up. Within five minutes there's a reply from Facilities apologizing for the inconvenience and saying they'll look into it, and by the way, who complained? Hubby's response was, "I'm not sure which surgeon it was, it could have been my cardiologist, my neurosurgeon, my orthopedic surgeon, or my regular doctor, who occasionally performs surgeries."
Office Manager was very pleased.
We've secretly replaced Jilli's coffee and sleep meds with LSD. Let's see if she notices...
Honestly? The reason I have never dabbled in hallucinogenics is because I figured I get the same effects from my insomnia. Add in that Ambien has started to mess with my head before knocking me unconscious, and I'm stuck with situations where I make Pete get out of bed to stand guard at the bathroom door because one of the light fixtures has turned into the evil King of the Jellyfish and is out to get me.