Criminal Mind: Reid looked kinda good tonight! His hair was working for him. And Morgan was splendidly righteous in the box. Yum.
I watched the last three Leverages back to back and I have fallen for Hardison for sure,
sara and Kat, I wish I couldfind that valve for you that lets the pressure out, but I'm a nightmare myself.
CM: I've never seen
Michael Boatman being a psycho bad guy before.
Kind of freaky.
Agreed on the Reid and Morgan. Needed more Garcia though.
CM: Mentioned on TWOP that they missed the opportunity to cast
Alan Ruck
across from
Michael Boatman.
Would have been amusing. Although
George Newbern
has mostly played
good guys too. Despite being the President of the Wrong US in Jericho.
I was trying to slay the Insomnia Fairy with something National Geographic and I think I accidentally found a penguin snuff film. As least that's what the musical cue led me to believe.
I immediately yelled out the safeword (billyteabillyteabillytea) and backbuttoned my way out of Hulu.
Also the narrator pronounces 'algae' wrong to my ear. That is in no way soothing.
I immediately yelled out the safeword (billyteabillyteabillytea) and backbuttoned my way out of Hulu.
Please. Danger is my middle name. And my first and last. I wound up being unable to watch the Crocodile Hunter, what with all the shoutouts.
Those penguins were in mortal peril, man. I was trying to save them. Well, save me from watching them die. I think their actual fate was sealed before I hit play.
It's apparently 18 and snowing out here, but you people have me thinking at least it's above zero...
Also, I have a small pimple on the edge of my lip, and I would like people to know it's not a cold sore. But will refrain from telling people that in person. I hope.
t /TMI
12F and pretty still here.. so far.
A penguin's life is pretty brutish and short. Well, especially "short". Don't let the cute feathers fool you, they'd eat you if you were small enough or they were big enough.
All people in super cold places should play hooky and stay in inside pants today. Just tell the boss Laura said so.
I was in fact agreeing. But my post was unable to contain my dorkitude.
I need to read this more often so I am snagging for a tag.
It's -18 degrees here. I have no idea what the windchill is but I think it's moot because I'm not going outside.