I hope you are feeling better Theodosia.
I feel guilty. I just had a Butterfinger at 9:15 in the morning. I have a thing for Butterfinger bars and it was just sitting there. At least it was only fun sized. Personally I think it is kind of depressing that fun means small. I think it is actually a good size for a candy bar, but in general I think I would want fun to be big.
Now that I think about it, making "Fun" mean small could be useful for political spin. Your dreams of retirement haven't been crushed under the weight of a tailspinning economy, your retirement account has been fun sized.
Apparently I have fun sized the Natter posting rate.
I have a "fun sized" income.
Do I go out for a mediocre lunch where I know I'll end up smelling like burgers and onions and I really have a lot to do and I have a meeting right after, BUT it'd be really really good for me to go for work reasons and make-my-life-easier reasons and yeah, shit, burger and onion stink here I come.
I am currently pouring vinegar in my ears, try to stave off a swimmer's ear type infection that I get at least once a year.
My doctor suggested rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip, since it gets out any water in your ears.
I have a fun-sized income and fun-sized closets.
Can't link on my phone but the Nazi-naming parents in Jersey have lost custody of their kids. Maybe they will rethink the publicity next time.
That kind of karma rnaks up there with drowning Somali pirates.