mentioned something she takes for her nails.
Possibly for nail fungus? Which can, if it's bad enough, be seriously painful (I have personal experience with said fungus).
OTOH, like you said, all the keep-the-heart-pumping meds are more critically important than nail-fungus meds.
Yeah, I don't know what exactly the nail meds are for. Except my mother was saying she might look into taking it too, and she doesn't have fungus, just crappy nails (brittle, splitting, etc.)
If it's for nail fungus, there are some home remedies (soaking in apple cider vinegar or Listerine, or applying Vick's Vapo Rub) that have AT LEAST as good a track record. I've just started fighting off a minor case, so I'll let you know how that works out.
I had a not-fun evening, because intense belly pain made me go to the ER. They gave me IV painkiller that worked almost instantly, though, and after several hours waiting for a CAT scan, it was pronounced a bouncing baby kidney stone.
Incidentally, the painkiller turns out to be the IV version of... Motrin? Which is evidently known to be aces at reducing kidney stone pain, and is their first line of detecting if that's what the patient has, because if it works, then it's almost certain that's the diagnosis.
Waiting around a couple hours for a diagnosis might be a little annoying, but it was so pleasant not to be waiting in DIRE PAIN that I didn't mind.
Oh yeah, Theo, I meant to say I'm sorry you had to go to the ER, but so glad they could figure out the problem AND do something about it!
Theo, I'm glad they figured out what it was and you got some relief. Yeesh, that sounds painful.
I need to get us around and out to the gym. I know it's freezing cold but the gym will save me from cabin fever.
Yikes! Here's hoping the pain passes (pun intended) quickly and you're set back to rights, Theo.
Yikes, Theo. I hope you are feeling better.
I felt worse for my friend, who left in the middle of dinner to come take me, and then waited with me for almost three hours! But she distracted me from the pain by chatting and then when the pain receded we just had fun talking and hanging and noticing things like that an IV drip actually
and there was a cabinet in my room labeled OLD RESTRAINTS.
Congratulations on the baby kidney stone! I am glad it is not a more dire diagnosis, though painful.
I am currently pouring vinegar in my ears, try to stave off a swimmer's ear type infection that I get at least once a year. I was what my doctor prescribed last time, and I am so sick of going to the doctor for this, as it happens often enough (like a UTI) that I just know what it is. Also, my new insurance is deductible based, so I have to pay $90
Oh, and no pain at all today! I just have to call and talk to my PCP (or Nurse Practioner) to confirm whether they think I should have a followup, which they can probably tell from the CT scan.
Thank goodness for mandated medical insurance, btw, even if it costs me a pretty penny....