Whoo for cat progress! May it bode well for a long and happy future together.
I say "chure" for mature.
Me==Crank. I just had to inform paypal that I'm a non-profit. It took some serious finagling since I don't receive any paperwork via actual paper, and they refused to take anything that looked downloaded. Well, fie on them, I figured out how to get download my bank statements looking like paper, and how to fax stuff via the internet, and they had better release my six hundred bucks they're holding hostage.
Grump. However, I have been very productive today, so I think I'm going to call it a win.
Yay Sarameg!
I got all excited last night because Clio and Oz were asleep on the same bed. Not touching, but a foot apart. Progress from all the scrapping.
And aunt is not pretentious!
Oh I know. It is just hard to get out of the accent business. I spent my formative years saying "acrosst" for "across", which surely reads low-class!
I just googled "accrost" and accent, and there was a message board about Rochester accents. Someone was begging to be told what the "Canadian Ballet" was! It made me laugh, because the "canadian ballet" is what people say when they are going to strip clubs in Canada, which they used to do all the time because of the exchange rate, and also because you cna drink at 18.
It was a little to much for Loki. After I posted, he got up and vacated (walking OVER Devi, who didn't wake) to go join Mister Kitty on the loveseat. But hot damned. Down throws for world peace (and further proof to me that if he
just wouldn't run
from her, they'd start getting along better.)
I don't ever expect them to be buddies. Devi tolerates MK, no more. But I'd just like an end to open warfare on her part.
Devi and Loki are ca-yuute. My Miss Mew-Mew is not making a loaf, but a donut! Why do all other cat owners get loaves?!?!
I also get otters. And backwards Cs.
And thanks for complimenting them. They are gorgeous cats (poor Mister Kitty is all rumpled in his old age. But he's got gravitas and love for all.)
Stripey kitties are great! I was gonna say the best, but y'know, whosever fur is under your hand at the moment is the best, right?
Ma-ture. Speech and vocal teachers beat it into me. Had to learn not to say CEEment and INshurnce, too. Plus, no more rolling down the winda or drooling on the pilla.
oh! cute almost snuggly kitties!
Speaking of (sea) kitties.... I can't believe they changed their fishing hurts site to read sea kittens in most places. Except for the title. Shouldn't it be Sea Kittening Hurts?