Stripey kitties are great! I was gonna say the best, but y'know, whosever fur is under your hand at the moment is the best, right?
Ma-ture. Speech and vocal teachers beat it into me. Had to learn not to say CEEment and INshurnce, too. Plus, no more rolling down the winda or drooling on the pilla.
oh! cute almost snuggly kitties!
Speaking of (sea) kitties.... I can't believe they changed their fishing hurts site to read sea kittens in most places. Except for the title. Shouldn't it be Sea Kittening Hurts?
Sea Kittening sounds like making baby sea kittens. In fact, that brings up the important question: does sea kitten cover all ages of fish? Are there elderly sea kittens? Or do they at some point become the less cute sea cats?
Oh! And the SO set up the telescope he bought me for tonight's giganto full moon. He's awesome! And I was shocked at how much I could see just with my little telescope. I could clearly see Mare Crisium and all kinds of neato stuff like the rays from Tycho. So cool!
Shouldn't it be Sea Kittening Hurts?
Only if they end the sentence with "the baby Jesus".
Chure and teeVEE.
Kitties are adorable. Love Cash's cut and color!
I think I say tv as a spondee.
A what, now?
ETA: OK, I looked it up. I think maybe I do, too, now that you mention it. But if I had to pick a syllable to stress, it would be the V.
TV is mostly spondee, but can go one way or t'other based on the overall rhythm of the sentence. Dig my prosodic anarchy!
I've been trying to remember if I've ever heard a class or region of Americans say anything other than ma-CHURE. Individuals, maybe, but not as a consistent thing. And there are definitely gradations of CHURE vs CHER. But no TURE.