I am ND, except less likely to wear a skirt. I haven't sent mine or gotten mine. I am a bad Santa.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2008: "...and the horse you rode in on."
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2008? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
I've got about half of mine purchased.
I'll just chime in on the haven't-received front. I totally don't mind -- the farther it gets from Christmas, the more of a fun surprise it'll be. But I just want to let the sender know that if they've already sent it it's gone astray.
I am also ungifted. But I haven't sent either, so I feel like it's karmically my fault. I just need one more thing.
I wasn't part of the exchange, but I'm tempted to gift you all, just cuz I luvs you all.
Having been a lucky recpient of Vortex gifts (that I was annoyingly impatient for), I can attest they're well worth the wait.
You do remember that any sort of I'm-slacking-but-not-gone or still-looking-for-this-one-last-thing messages you'd like to send to your holding-their-breath-in-anticipation giftees are more than welcome to be mediated through me, right?
Oh hey, I almost forgot about this. Should we have an amnesty or something? I Slacker-gifted, but not Slacker-giftee'd.
There are still a number of us that are active on the slacker front. I have neither sent nor received my slacker gift. I have two parts of my gift ready to go but haven't gotten the third part done yet. I do slacker each year because I'm quite exceptional at being a slacker.
I am such a slacker that the entire gift is sitting in my office. Why? Because I have to write the card. PATHETIC. I swear, if I don't get to it by lunchtime, the card is going to say - "I suck. Hope you like it"