Here is our enchanted interraction:
TrudyBooth @raytoro Triceratops nothing but a tiny Torosaurus! [link]
TrudyBooth @raytoro "With the name Triceratops taking priority ... references to the Torosaurus genus would be dropped in museum exhibits."
raytoro @TrudyBooth crazy right! I will keep on top of this news
That triceratops news is shocking.
I tried to break it to him gently - tough 140 characters at a time.
That is funny partially because I was seriously headed here to post the news about the torosaurus/triceratops, because I had no idea a torosaurus was a real thing!
Roky Erickson is FINALLY coming to Boston (Nov. 13). I have no idea when he was here last. I'd say it's been *at least* 30 years, maybe even over 40 years?
Aw yay. Torosaurus 4evah!
Roundtable ordered and eaten. Unfortunately other flavors don't live up to the gourmet veggie.
I went with Pizza Hut. Damned thing (pork and diced tomato) is ungodly sweet, down to the dough. That's not going to be repeated. At least it was cheap, though.
I forgot about this! I had the same problem with CPK. Tasted like a pastry.