That's cool, Bon. I'm going to send it to my voice teacher. She's an opera gal and has made similar comments. She always insists Freddie was vocally trained even though he denied it.
She said of Halford "I loved it. I love the scream. The voice quality is pleasant and even. I like it. Wow who would have thought I would become a fan!!"
I have a buddy with a music theory degree and a trained voice in punk band. He talks about how he uses his scream more as a tour goes on because its pretty easy on him -- its just his falsetto sort of tweaked. So he'll SOUND like he's killing himself, but he's really taking it easy on himself as he gets tired. [link]
In serious, deep, earnest, highly artistic, and spiritually resonant news:
Ray Toro just tweeted me.
What did he say? Don't keep us wondering, woman!
Here is our enchanted interraction:
TrudyBooth @raytoro Triceratops nothing but a tiny Torosaurus! [link]
TrudyBooth @raytoro "With the name Triceratops taking priority ... references to the Torosaurus genus would be dropped in museum exhibits."
raytoro @TrudyBooth crazy right! I will keep on top of this news
That triceratops news is shocking.
I tried to break it to him gently - tough 140 characters at a time.
That is funny partially because I was seriously headed here to post the news about the torosaurus/triceratops, because I had no idea a torosaurus was a real thing!