One of my favorite dudes (Rob Kleiner) in one of my favorite bands (Tub Ring) wrote/produced What Part of Forever with Cee-Lo and now its frikkin' blowing up for him. It's on the new Twilight soundtrack and was performed on Leno last night
I teared up when I heard the whistling, that's Rob. Holy cow, that's Rob.
Only two songs since 1980?
Srsly. And no Zeppelin or Pink Floyd? WTH were their criteria?
I think this [link] and similar lists at McSweeny's are far better lists.
Devo streams new album a roomful of cats:
Thing I am currently a little disturbed by: this photo of Andrew Eldritch without his sunglasses. I am disturbed because if you took a photo of Pete from the same era and photoshopped black hair onto it, THEY COULD BE BROTHERS.
He needs to put his glasses back on. Because I am kinda freaked out.
t x-posted with Movies
I just got back from a benefit screening of "Girls Rock!", a documentary about the rock camp for girls that's been going on in Portland, OR for the past 10 summers. Highly recommended! The 5 day camp teaches girls ages 8-18 not only how to Rock, but also things like teamwork, self-defense and, most of all, empowerment. It culminates with a concert where all the bands formed during the camp play to a packed club audience of 600 people. The film manages to be entertaining, without being overly preachy and would make an excellent double-feature with Josie & the Pussycats! Also, like J&tP, it's available on Netflix for instant streaming.
The screening was a benefit for a Boston branch of the camp that's starting up later this summer. I (almost) wish I was a girl just so that I could volunteer!
Jon B, that's awesome! We have one here in NC, and from what I understand it's been quite a success. I've never seen the documentary, though, or J&tP.
They have one in Athens, too, and apparently it is very popular (surprise, surprise - half the parents in this town are musicians.)
I asked my friend Hilken, who's helping to run this summer's Boston camp, how many campers they had gotten so far. She told me that while they were shooting for 35 campers, they had been secretly hoping for less, since this is the first year and all. Unfortunately (?) there was a story in the Globe and they're already up to 40 girls!
I'm really excited to see the public concert. I think it'll be a blast.