The Rolling Stone's Top 20 Songs of All Time.
Pretty heavily weighted to classic rock, which I guess is unsurprising. Don't get me wrong, I love the Beatles, but they seem overrepresented. Four Beatles songs and John Lennon, but no Janis Joplin? Hmmph.
I think that list pretty much sucks. There's a wealth of rock that didn't even get touched.
Only two songs since 1980?
One of my favorite dudes (Rob Kleiner) in one of my favorite bands (Tub Ring) wrote/produced What Part of Forever with Cee-Lo and now its frikkin' blowing up for him. It's on the new Twilight soundtrack and was performed on Leno last night
I teared up when I heard the whistling, that's Rob. Holy cow, that's Rob.
Only two songs since 1980?
Srsly. And no Zeppelin or Pink Floyd? WTH were their criteria?
I think this [link] and similar lists at McSweeny's are far better lists.
Devo streams new album a roomful of cats:
Thing I am currently a little disturbed by: this photo of Andrew Eldritch without his sunglasses. I am disturbed because if you took a photo of Pete from the same era and photoshopped black hair onto it, THEY COULD BE BROTHERS.
He needs to put his glasses back on. Because I am kinda freaked out.
t x-posted with Movies
I just got back from a benefit screening of "Girls Rock!", a documentary about the rock camp for girls that's been going on in Portland, OR for the past 10 summers. Highly recommended! The 5 day camp teaches girls ages 8-18 not only how to Rock, but also things like teamwork, self-defense and, most of all, empowerment. It culminates with a concert where all the bands formed during the camp play to a packed club audience of 600 people. The film manages to be entertaining, without being overly preachy and would make an excellent double-feature with Josie & the Pussycats! Also, like J&tP, it's available on Netflix for instant streaming.
The screening was a benefit for a Boston branch of the camp that's starting up later this summer. I (almost) wish I was a girl just so that I could volunteer!