dcp, yes. That so needed to be said.
I just loved Robin. I want to go drinking with her. She's almost too awesome, but it's built up believably, with her athleticism and her family history, so it worked for me. She's certainly no less believable than the Winchesters, so.
I took my SPN dvds with me over the weekend with the best of intentions and didn't get to watch one. I'll repeat the process over the holiday break and hope for better results.
One thing that has been bugging me since Thursday night is the *wink wink nudge nudge* that Sam threw Ruby when he was humbly taking credit for the plan. The words (about getting out of the way) were similar to their previous conversation which makes me think that Ruby played a bigger part in the planning stage than Dean will ever know. If nothing else, she inspired Sam and that endears her even more to me.
Absolutely spectacular new vid by a new vidder (Mely), about Sam and Ruby:
I recommend getting the largest file; it's just gorgeous.
That was really pretty. She made Katie look better than I remember the character.
yeah, the necklace was what I was wanting.
I would not let him fall off the side of our makeshift raft, by any stretch of the imagination.
Okay, so here's the thing. I've been totally drowning myself in Castiel fic of any description the past few days. Some good (more to come on that later perhaps), some bad. But I have now, for the first time, actually come across a (bad) fic that actually makes the angel/angle mistake. I may never stop laughing.
Ah, you take me back to the good old days when the end of "Becoming" was first broadcast and one of the Bronzers snarked "Wow, I guess Angle [sic] really IS a hottie now!"