"That episode was so disgusting [Fox] could only air in once [in 1996]," Gamble says. "We like to be grossed out. So we were inspired to dig deep and find our own disgusting."
I love you, Sera, but the only thing gross and disgusting about "Family Remains" was the poorly developed script. If they were trying to emulate the deliciously twisted horror of "Home", they missed by several hundred country miles. :-/
No, it's the end, with the station wagon, and the music playing...that just....
Um. Still out there. Somewhere. Ickyickyickyickyughhgh.
Man, Home was an awesome episode.
It was just so classically, perfectly X Files in its wrongness.
Absolutely. Just not, you know, as the first ep.
If I ever get commissioned to do a professional illustration of someone's nightmares, I'm going to try and feature Mrs. Peacock rolling out from under the bed.
According to Jim Beaver's MySpace, Kim Manners died last night. Man. Lung cancer.
I just read that, P-C. I'm stunned. I had no idea he was ill.
And everyone on the cast loves him so much. They must be devastated.
Oh damn. He got some of the best performances out of the actors, and they loved working with him. He'll be missed.