Maybe I'm dumb or oblivious, or both, but I thought Ruby was saying Sam's getting rusty because he hasn't been practicing pulling demons lately, since he promised Dean he wouldn't use his psychic mojo. That the more he practices, the better at it he gets, the stronger his power.
This is where I am with it, too.
Couldn't agree more about BB being awesome last night. I love him.
And I'd still love it if this all turns out to be a plot by Lilith to corrupt him
That has been at the back of my mind since Azazel died and Ruby showed up (pre-Lilith). Convenient how she's managed to adjust herself to Sam and get from him what she wants, no?
One other thing wrong with this episode, in my opinion, is that it was Dean getting choked, not Sammy.
Just not right.
Another thing wrong with this episode, people may not have noticed, the "E" in THEN was slightly spaced a little too much to the right. I'll still watch the show, but the title graphics guys are dead to me.
But, but, but, SAMMY is the one that gets choked.
It's tradition and shit.
Heh. I just wanted something to point out as well. I feel alone in the corner still fangirling the show.
You know I didn't even think of that, Perkins. WRONG, writers! Good god. Everyone knows Sam gets choked.
Austin, you're not alone! I'm still fangirling all over the place.
BTW, today is Dean's 30th birthday.
Wow. Happy Birthday Dean!
Have they adjusted the ages? I always thought Jensen was playing younger than his actual age. I mean by more than a year.
No, he was 26 in the pilot, and it's been four seasons, so.