Also, I have to say, since
was supposed to be being haunted - if I were Dean, or Sam, I'd've been running a bath and filling it with salt water and chucking Dean in. Because I figure, hey, it couldn't hurt, right? What with them
not having a fucking plan.
(...no, this thought wasn't prompted by the impulse to see nekkid Ackles. Nekkid Ackles would just have been a happy and optional side effect of this pragmatic thought. Honestly.)
Hey, did anyone else notice it's Thursday?
I did!!! As soon as I woke up. I needed a reason to get moving. Though now I'm questioning why rolling over and sleeping until SPN time didn't occur to me.
Does the Thursday dance.
I see Fay acknowledges the beauty of nekkid Ackles. Smart woman, our Fay.
It's Thursday! I know it! I've been counting down since ... Monday night, which is just sad, really.
I have the day off, and the day is Thursday, so I am doubly happy. And I have sound on the CW again, so, yay for that.
...Nope, that's all right now. Maybe more later. Wheee!
It could only be better if I were sitting in Criss Angel's living room watching his reaction!