The rest of that quote could be quite offensive to some people.
I mean, I'm happy that a showrunner on another network has watched and appreciates--in whatever manner he does--SPN. But it feels like a backhanded slap, what with the flattery and then the implication that the pretty was the only reason to watch. Plus the potentially offensive thing--no wait. It isn't potentially offensive, it's concretely offensive to a certain segment of fans, who RTD dismisses by the comment.
Not especially well done, RTD.
What is the rest of the quote?
Eh, it's RTD. He's tact-impaired.
"(TW Spoilery stuff) I thank them for watching the show and I recommend they go watch Supernatural, because those boys are beautiful. And don't try to tell me they're brothers."
Which, while it isn't personally offensive, does seem rather tacky. Or as Plei says, tact-impaired.
He said "Don't try to tell me they're brothers"?! Wow.
Actually what the quote says is:
DAVIES: (spoilery stuff) I thank them for watching the show and I recommend they go watch Supernatural, because those boys are beautiful. And don’t tell me they’re brothers. [Laughs] Not in my mind.
Which (I think) has a little different tenor? Maybe still less-than-tactful, but.
(interview is here, don't read it if you care about being spoiled for recent Torchwood.)
It's absolutely a slap against the upset Torchwood fans. I'm not sure on the SPN side it's quite as pointed, though I can certainly see how it would be taken that way.
THANK you, Ailleann. I looked everywhere for the quote and couldn't find it. I should know my memory is not objectively accurate.
Eh, it's RTD. He's tact-impaired.
So. Very. Much.
TW was actually something that I was spoiled for by fan reactions to spoilers and cut tags on lj. I am bitter.
But that has nothing to do with RTD being totally tact-impaired. Kripke might bend to the fans' whims too much for my liking but RTD just doesn't realize he's pissing on fans.
Oh, I think RTD realises perfectly well that he's pissing on fans. He just doesn't give a damn, because he's sufficiently confident in his own awesome that he thinks criticisms from fans just reveal the fans' shallowness. some extent I do actually prefer that whole sense of 'Fuck it, I'm going to tell the story I want to tell, and you can't please all of the people all of the time, so I'm going to trust in my skills and do the best job I can. Because there will always be people who bitch and moan, and I'm not going to worry about that.'
I mean, there is SO MUCH fannish entitlement, and for the most part I think it's bullshit and crazy-making, and I'd rather have writers having integrity about their storytelling than bowing to the many-headed-hydra of the audience's whims. So I'm not wholly without sympathy to his "this is what I'm doing - like it or lump it" schtick.
But (and I've still not watched CoE, but I'm spoiled to death) I have heard criticisms that strike me as perfectly valid, intelligent and cogent, and dismissing ALL criticism as shallow whining with a "go someplace else if you can't cope with my unbridled awesome! This is DRAMA, you fools!" kind of reply does come across as arrogant fuckwittery.
OTOH, it cracks me up that he's basically saying "Watch SPN for the Wincest, people! It's hot like woah!" ...but then,
a huge cracktastic slash spinoff of
Doctor Who,
so I guess that shouldn't really be surprising. Hmm.