Yeah, no, I'm not arguing that it isn't spoilery or encouraging anyone to read it. Just... random comment, really.
And continuing with the random comments - there's a Dollhouse interview w/ Joss up there now, too. Also sort of spoilery, as it happens. One fun bit, though - looks like there will be more Dr. Horrible. Er, not on Dollhouse.
I caved, and read the Kripke interveiew linked above. And then I clearly lost all sanity and read through the comments posted by other readers. Good God, the spitting and hair pulling going on over there! I admit to some reservations about character development myself, but there's no way I'd post there and inadvertently ally myself with any of those people.
Other people are crazy. Stay here. It's safer here.
So I'm more or less watching "Heaven and Hell." And it occurs to me that I really didn't mind Anna the traumatized, damsel-in-distress so much, despite the way she cocks her head to the side as though her neck had been broken whenever she's listening to the angels. What I don't buy is the transition to Anna the ex-Angelic Commander. She doesn't convey the gravity of a being who has been wandering about for 2000 years and getting tired of not taking part in the world around her. It would have worked so much better if she could have changed her vocal tones, or her mannerisms or something to indicate a shifted personality. (Hey, they just did the Titanic hand on the window! Of course, this follows the "grace embedded in a tree," and precedes the "grace in a bottle." Oh yeah, and the torture porn. This episode really sucks.)
Oh Dean, defending Anna's right to think for herself against the heavenly hierarchy. But Sam wasn't supposed to be allowed to think for himself against John Winchester's dictates, right? Because that made him "selfish."
What I'm trying to reconcile is Alastair's torture of Ruby. Clearly, Alastair knew Dean broke the first seal, so he had to know Lilith's death was the last seal. What was the point of Alastair torturing Ruby if they were basically all on the same page to set Lucifer free?
No one but Lilith knew that Ruby was working for her.
Well, no one but Lilith and the audience.
Other people are crazy. Stay here. It's safer here.
As always, Beverly is wise.
I agree with Morgana about Anna, so I'm just going to point at her post.
I like the idea of the character, but the actual on-screen portrayal of said character...not so much. And, yeah, I really would have preferred to see a transition more like the Fred -> Illyria transition of OMGWTFNewPerson!!!
I'm already quite spoiled for Season 5, and liked everything I'd heard so far, including one thing that made me go OMGWTFBBQ!!! but I'm going to go read that just in case it's anything I've not heard.
Is everybody but me spoiled for S5, to a lesser or greater degree? Would it be more comfy if I stayed out of thread till the premiere so you guys can talk and speculate and stuff?
Not me!
It helps to know that Fay's not disturbed I think. But I'd as soon not know any more, whether it's details or reactions.
Shrug. My take, anyway.