See, I don't even know if I can click on the links, Beverly, because I just feel sad for Jensen, and my blanket'n'soup reflex is going into overdrive at the thought of the poor bloke needing saving with coffee and clowning. I sort of wish they didn't have to do all the make-nice-with-fans stuff, and could just get on with acting.
Meanwhile, the news that Misha, Sera, Jim, Erik & Ben are doing a panel at ComicCon has me weeping into my...
...of course, technically there's no reason why I can't go to ComicCon, because I
on holiday.
In Bangkok, where I live. And obviously I don't even know where San Diego is, and it would be wildly ridiculous to go to America AGAIN, basically for a weekend. And you probably need tickets and things, right? Right. And, anyway, I'd probably HATE it, because I've never been to a Convention, and it'd be full of crazy people being crazy, and making me want to say "Get off my side!"
(...but there's like this little cartoon devil sitting on my shoulder now, whispering into my ear. She looks kind of like Ruby.)
because I just feel sad for Jensen, and my blanket'n'soup reflex is going into overdrive at the thought of the poor bloke needing saving with coffee and clowning
The clip doesn't show the awkward part, for what that's worth, Fay.
(...but there's like this little cartoon devil sitting on my shoulder now, whispering into my ear. She looks kind of like Ruby.)
Which is funny. Because she's actually Jilli.
technically there's no reason why I can't go to ComicCon
Well, it's sold out. So there's that.
I'm going to try to get into the SPN panel if it's not full by the time we get out of the
Doctor Who
and then you are going to buy me that sushi toy, right?
That'll happen Wednesday, I hope. But I will be coordinating with you soon enough.
Well, it's sold out. So there's that.
And the whole pesky rest-of-the-planet-in-the-way thing too. And that emptying-one's-bank-account business.
But it was a nice little pipe dream for a while there...
Oh Fay, you'd probably hate a convention. It would be all strange rude people, and you'd never get a chance to hear what anybody onstage was saying because of the audience chatter. Or so I tell myself, anyway.
Oh, and the vids I linked to were nothing but pure silliness--no icky questions or dealing with strange fans. In the first one somebody asked Jensen a food question about pickles and fried rice and he got tickled and laughed hysterically for minutes. And Jared laughed at him. It was just fun to see Jared reacting to Jensen laughing uncontrollably, and to see Jensen surrender his usual attempt at dignity.
Misha Collins: taking fan service to whole new levels.