Sail, unfortunately, I'm with you on the avuncular crush thing. Is there a feminine version of avuncular? If not, there should be.
And Fay, this is one of my favorite vids of Jared and Jensen together. The way Jared watches Jensen--obviously there's tremendous affection there. This was at LA con in the spring, right after the season wrapped. The infamous con where a fan asked a completely uncool question and left Jensen floundering for anything to answer. From backstage, "I'm coming to save you!" and Jared came onstage with coffee for both of them and clowned around until Jensen regained enough equanimity to dance offstage singing "He's got jungle fever, he's got jungle fever!"
I shudder to think what the working conditions on the show would be if those two didn't like each other. It would have sunk like a stone, I'm convinced, without their personal chemistry.
And of course the moment it was revealed I was all "of
John Wakefield is CKR. How did we not guess that from the get go?"
And while I'm at it, this clip from the AHBL con in Australia a few weeks after the LA con illustrates for me both the teasing and affection between them, and how relaxed Jensen has become onstage when Jared's there. But it's the comment Jared makes toward the end, when Jensen's finished talking about his "crying technique" in H&H that really warms my heart. Tremendous respect, actor-to-actor. And the fact that he pauses to let Jensen talk over what he's saying.
Yeah, the PWP does just write itself.
CKR really is the Michael Caine of filmed-in-Canada tv, isn't he? And aren't we lucky that's so?
Okay, who decided to give them caramels? That was adorable.
Some nice pictures of the Js, including some with Kim Manners. [link]
There's a panel on Sunday at San Diego ComicCon: Kripke, Edlund, Sara Gamble (did I spell that right?), Jim Beaver, and Mischa Collins. I may try and attend it, and report back on the nuttiness.
It's Sera, Jilli.
And wow, yay! If you can get there, I bet it will be awesome fun.
Can you kidnap Sera and bring her to me??? She's smokin' hot. Raar.