I hate what they have done with the mercenary reapers this season and last. Doesn't match and throws me out of the episode. But I'm not going to start sending hate mail.
'Objects In Space'
Supernatural 2: Why is it our job to save everybody?
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US on TV (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though — if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
I was saying to Stephen today, because "Faith" was on this morning, that they've never been consistent with that mythology. With a lot of mythology, actually, but with reapers especially.
I'm wondering, are we really meant to assume that Daphne never did anything with her husband after fishing him out of the river?
I was always surprised that when Cas was Cas again (albeit looney tunes!Cas) he didn't want to make amends to her something.
And in my head, I decided she was completely devout, too, and looked at him as a miracle sent from God, so she considered herself more of his caretaker than his wife. Or something.
The only interesting conversations anyone had with Chad involved him saying that reapers were angels, which...WHEN??? Someone else said so in a discussion I had a couple weeks ago, so I'm extra confused--they said that Death had a cohort of angels, and major confusion.
But if Word of God agrees...they still, at best, retconned awkwardly.
I decided she was completely devout, too, and looked at him as a miracle sent from God, so she considered herself more of his caretaker than his wife.
Yeah, me too. I mean, she was the sort who'd accept a gift from god of an amnesiac healer, but was nice enough not to sex him up (and probably was still in possession of her v-card). However, that's probably massively head-only canon, on recollection. They said very little.
I really would have much preferred if instead of that whole "Emmanuel" thing, they'd instead had Cas found by Amelia Novak who assumed he was an amnesiac Jimmy. It would have avoided much of the religious loon WTFery, made use of an existing character, and been a bit more poignant when his memory was restored rather than just having her dropped like complete nonentity.
I'm glad they didn't re-open the Jimmy bag of worms. When it comes to atoning, there will not be sufficient that he can do for the Novaks, and that would have been a distraction for me from the issues at hand.
Also, there's no reason they wouldn't have dropped her like a complete non-entity, because they sure dropped Jimmy that way. Pre-existing is no indicator of future performance.
Osric Chau is an adorable human, and can have all the marshmallows.
God, Osric. I like how he's jumped headfirst into the SPNfamily, in a way that blends actor and fan, and he's sweet and articulate and reads intelligent. I hope he's doing conventions, but I also like the feeling that he's kind of on our sides. And I mean that plurality.
And to the people crying heterosexism because of the episode: REALLY?
Anyway, moving on to something I've never seen before, and it would be great to see again: Raphael cosplay: [link] Go her.
I can't believe that I never realised Colin used to drive a vintage Impala--he had a red and white 1970 beastie--I could not place it at all until I remembered, d'oh! I was with him when he bought it and got first shotgun.
He ended up selling it because when he floored it on the freeway, he could see the gas needle move. They're now a two Prius household.
And, damn, I wonder if fangirls know what I do for them--he accepts that it was my idea for him to go Haiti with Misha. It sounds like an amazing trip, honestly, but there's no way I could have gone as part of a fandom competition. One, I would never be able to raise what was required, not against all these people who were milking their families (and the ones that are just that good at fundraising--I bet Jesse could have gone if she cared), and I'd wager that there would be enough of them whose motivation had nothing to do with helping the storm-torn.
Why would you write a story where Dean really likes flying? Like screaming-in-joy likes flying?
I don't understand...
Way too big a fan of AUs?
I got nothin'.