One easy criterion for In Too Deep is if you have visceral reactions to new AUs. I grunted in y "rock and roll" barber's because at the same time I could see a 40 yr old Dean still muscular after a life of hard living looking normal on the surface as he clipped hair ("give me five minutes with some clippers"), surround my the more OTT obviously dyed Charlie and a tatted to the neck former hippie turned rocker Lisa.
Castiel comes in because he can't make his hair look normal, and when Dean convinces him how it looks best, that's a metaphor for XXX.
Or Dean Smith takes a recommendation from that irritating Gabriel guy who manages to get away with that hairstyle in the corporate environment and finds a tatted out Endverse-like Cas who gives him straight-razor shaves with warm cloths after and trims his hair with scissors every few days to have him looking just so. Indirectly, he's why Dean always wears those suspenders.
Grunted out loud, sitting there, watching an AU Ellen thank me for my tip, with Becky at the register.