ome to the same conclusion that we're not working through anything, we just imprinted on Flowers in the Attic.
Which, freakishly, is impossible to find a copy of at thrift stores nowadays! I refuse to buy a copy new, but I want a copy of the ultimate trashybad popcorn book.
I haven't looked on eBay yet, mostly because I probably don't want to pay shipping. But I may go check.
Jaysus, eBay has what someone is claiming to be a 1st edition hardcover version of Flowers in the Attic, and the seller wants $600 for it. Jilli, unless you're independently wealthy I'd definitely look for a paperback copy.
Edit: Amazon has sellers offering used copies for .01 cent and $3.99 shipping. Just saying. Way better than $600.
Good grief! That's ... well, there's a market for everything. I think I'll stick with looking for a copy at thrift stores.
Yeah, I don't blame you. There were so many copies printed that they still have to be floating around out there.
Probably not the scariest moment, but I was definitely most wigged out by that scene with the gods where they wanted to spoon out Sam's eyeball back in season 1 or 2. It might have had to do with how JP's eyelid was most definitely taped back IRL.
Okay, I'm obviously misremembering then, because I thought Doc Benton was planning to do something to Sam's eyeball. Any kind of incipient eyeball damage squicks me.
Hmm, two eyeball moments, maybe? Wasn't an icecream scoop dangerously close to Someone's eye? It's probably (most definitely) me misremembering.
That's my point, though -- those are squicky moments, but not really scary, the way you're scared waiting to see what's in the basement or who's going to come through the door.
ita's closest -- when John went all yellow eyes, that was frightening because it was so unexpected, and it seemed like all the rules had changed.
I think maybe for me it's having grown up on horror movies, where you're always waiting to see who is going to die, and how. By S3, it was pretty clear that when it came to Sam and Dean, death didn't stick, so it stopped being so scary?
I think the feeling of "not knowing what's going to happen next" is the scariest for me, and as much as I love the show, it's stopped mattering because there's usually a way out of it? Or a way to fix it? Then again, I don't really watch the show for the scares, so. And I think for me, once I've seen it, it's not scary again on rewatch anyway.