Why would you write Anna/Crowley true love? Why would you leave the pairing above the fold alone to witness them cooing at each other, "My fiery dragon" ... "My dark side of the moon..."
Of *all* the characters on the show, you needed to name that mannequin Crowley and expect me to care about him?
It's not like it's a post-Sacrifice story or anything.
I boggle.
Dinosaur comics gets pretty close to SPN heaven: [link]
Wow, that is close.
I discovered two more local Supernatural fans today, which made me very happy.
I only made it through 2 paragraphs of that J2 archive before my brain starting shrieking warning signals at me and I backed out in a hurry, but I do have to ask, what does "HW" stand for? I saw references to "HW powerhouses rose and fell" and "the HW machine."
Ah, thank you. Now it makes sense. (Ya know, when I was first trained as a technical writer I was told that the first time I used an acronym I needed to spell out the meaning in parentheses after it. After that first time I could run wild and use acronyms like crazy. I wish other people on the internets would do the same.)
(Ya know, when I was first trained as a technical writer I was told that the first time I used an acronym I needed to spell out the meaning in parentheses after it. After that first time I could run wild and use acronyms like crazy. I wish other people on the internets would do the same.)
Would that there was an enforceable style guide for the internets.
Would that there was an enforceable style guide for the internets.
I wish that frequently, for so many offenses.
An autocorrect for your/you're and other apostrophe misuses would make things so much better...
Lately I've been noticing a tremendous amount of people who don't know the difference between "to" and "too." I've given up on expecting them to differentiate between "vise" and "vice" and "prostrate" and "prostate." But if I start making too many mental red editing marks as I read I eventually just give up and back out of the story. It gets too painful for me.