If I were writing it, part of Sam and Dean's new mission for the season would be dealing with the fallen angels, and Crowley would be on the run, nearly saved but not quite and generally freaked out, and Abbadon would be running hell and planning her own evil plans.
Also, SAM WILL LIVE. Because, duh.
God, I want to cry just thinking about that hug, and Sam's face when he admitted his greatest sin to Dean. And Dean who had NO IDEA he could ever mean that much to Sammy, who means everything to him.
And Dean had no idea his love didn't come through--stupid motherfucker orphaned their DAD to save Sam. And Dean loves his Dad.
I'm gonna go through and unfollow everyone who says a) no one died and/or b) this is the first time no one/neither of the boys died. They don't watch the show I do, so why follow them?
I loved when Dean said that to Cas! "What show have you been watching?" Heh.
I wonder if they write or film stuff and think "Reaction GIF!" Because that's what I thought...
Have I said how much I love that "Booger" Presley as the new Big Bad in Heaven?
And I still don't get all the Booger references (call me lazy), but to me he will always be Viola.
So...2014 will come, and all the angels have fallen. Maybe we will have orgies next season?
BTW, aren't the fjords of South Dakota lovely at this time of year?
Have I said how much I love that "Booger" Presley as the new Big Bad in Heaven?
I KNOW! I mean, Armstrong is doing a fine job, but I saw Revenge of the Nerds roughly 1000x when I was a kid, and he will always, always be Booger.
That...was fucking good. I was just all "SAM!" and "DEAN!" and "BOYS!" in that final scene. Just like a 14 y.o. girl, I swear, but they did such a good job!
And Cas has lost his grace, and the angels falling. Oh, my.
And it was so sad to see Bobby's junkyard all deserted. I had a sad...
Also, was that...screwdriver thing that killed Naomi made of angel-killing blade alloy? Because otherwise, how would it kill her? Also, the actress who plays Abaddon looks like Ashley Judd, but evil. I like her.
Those are my thoughts.
I have to admit I'm still a little bummed that Metatron isn't a Transformer.