Supernatural, I HATE YOU.
My last picture for the bang just got arsed up because of the magical disappearing rearview mirror. Go--have a google!
I have to start again, and maybe I am putting too much Impala in the picture. Vents? Wipers? Locking mechanism on the back doors? THIS IS A STORY ABOUT RUBY. Focus.
It looks as though the CW is going to air SPN repeats on Friday nights beginning May 3rd.
The network has decided that the Winchester brothers are so nice they want to show them twice.
Ash has a new vid about HUGZ!1! [link]
Wait, so they've already been to the Grand Canyon? In so very many fanfics that's held up as "one day we'll get to go to The Grand Canyon" in the sense that it's a goal for either when they retire, or one that they know they'll never quite reach.
There was some fun stuff in all the blood and pain.
It seems like John took them to the Grand Canyon when they were so young, though, that neither one of them really appreciated it.
Who wrote this episode? I loved the callouts to John, the not-totally-terrible dad.
So much happened! Big stuff! And yet, I keep focusing on Dean reading to wee!Sammy, and Sammy feeling that he wasn't pure, even as a kid, and Kitchen Sink Stew. LOVE.
I kind of like that Metatron isn't one of the big archangels, but just their equivalent of a regular Joe that Yahweh tapped to take dictation. Though, no knock on Curtis Armstrong's acting, but I was really stoked when it looked like he might have taken a Native American body rather than a Caucasian one like 3 out of 4 archangels and the vast majority of other angels we've seen.
Did I hear somewhere that this episode has all kinds of Shining references, too? Or maybe I dreamed that.
but I was really stoked when it looked like he might have taken a Native American body rather than a Caucasian
Me, too. I was sure the Desk Clerk would be him. Though for one brief second as they were creeping around the stacks of books I thought "please let it be Alan Rickman".
Did I hear somewhere that this episode has all kinds of Shining references, too? Or maybe I dreamed that.
It's in CO; I said "Jesus, it's the Overlook" as Sam was reeling down the hall.
Are host bodies just...purely juiced by angel power? How human can they be, if Cas can use one as a walking, talking storage unit.