I cannot believe he's committed photoshop. And his head was pastede on, yay.
...honestly, SPN just breaks my head. They canonically talk about Wincest, about
slash, on the fucking show. And Misha is the ultimate RPF MarySue, and he's doing crazy RolePlay shit in his tweets, complete with photoshop. (Although the Stonehenge one actually looked posed, rather than pastede on...)
Still, as effective strategies for distracting attention from the much-stalked J2, I cannot conceive of a more startlingly effective one than the introduction of Misha. He's just the shiniest thing EVAH, bless him. Threesomes and White House and poetry and all...
It's kind of appropriate that this fandom is the one with the fangirl RPF figure come to life. Sort of like an episode with slash writers' LJ posts in place of the Brothers Grimm.
So Matt's just given the writers a plot for next season ....
Still, as effective strategies for distracting attention from the much-stalked J2, I cannot conceive of a more startlingly effective one than the introduction of Misha.
Right? No wonder the boys seem to love him so.
Were those Photoshopped? They looked real to me.
pretty sure those are real. well...really staged. the other ones he's been posting are photoshopped.
Ah, okay. I didn't know you were allowed to get so close to Stonehenge! I heard it was blocked off or something.