I was a Buffy fan for a long time by myself. I didn't know there was fandom! By the time I did, the show was almost over.
SPN was when I really started to participate in fandom, I guess. Which makes it, for me, a little more important somehow.
Carver answers questions about Sam and Dean this season, and their arcs, etc. It's not spoilery about specifics, but I guess if you want to know nothing at all, stay away.
My issue with Sam's decision isn't that I wouldn't
he'd act that way (although I wouldn't), it's that it didn't seem to make sense, and he did a poor job explaining it to my satisfaction. Not that Sam needs to do that, but the show does, and I found it weak and unconvincing.
Suppose I don't like Supernatural in 2014? This is just like the tattoo thing...
Creation's not getting any more of my money after pulling that "Surprise! Last minute/last-ever Nashville SPN con!" BS.
I'll just have to make do with whatever Ben Cohen's offering for next year.
Did they get suddenly shady, or have they been dodgy a long time? My current one didn't come direct from then.
I don't know that I'd call them shady, so much as frustrating and peremptory - I don't get how a convention that was well-attended suddenly becomes not worth doing if the show's still a going concern and the talent's willing to show up. Or why the final con was scheduled on such short notice. I've heard lots of grumbling about the mercenary nature of their conventions in general, but I figure they are what they are and I've been content to shell the $ out for the ones I've been really interested in attending.
I am so irritated by people who mock or judge the decisions of Heart because "they should have locked her up monthly instead."
Seriously? That's viable planning for the guys they were then?
I enjoy the show more because they make different choices now, but they'd not have trusted her to her own devices then, and they were in no position to take on that responsibility themselves.
I think that was a Buffy side effect. But I agree with you. She wasn't their responsibility, not long-term, and she wasn't exactly volunteering for a cage once a month.