It seems so familiar. Also, nice ... what are those hip/abdomen indents? Very nice whatever they're called. Why can't I ever remember that?
I wonder if it's still possible to find the video of him and Vicki and a nameless other woman? It was pretty innocent, just laughing and hanging out, but I seem to remember it was around at the same time everyone figured out Vicki wrote the threesome book.
Jensen does have an adorable wiggle at the beginning. Lovely bowlegged cutie. Love that he switches into a hockey shirt and mask. Yes, I'm fixated.
I seem to remember seeing that picture of Misha before, just not that close up and pixelated.
That does look like the same picture. Which leads me to think it's probably actually Misha. It's still not clear enough for me to think I've seen his penis and I'm very okay with that. That's a fine looking naked man. Whoever it is.
I didn't tell Stephen who it was, just showed it to him and asked who he thought it was, and his first answer was Rock Hudson. Second answer? Hugh Jackman. Now I know who *he* fantasizes about ...
Yeah, that's the same picture from when promised he was going to post a photo of himself naked on a horse, just blown up. I really have no difficulty believing Misha had a vacation photo of himself on a nude beach or somesuch to use for the occasion.
That's not the same version I saw--because that didn't blow up to that resolution.
Is it a different image or just a higher quality version that is now somewhere on the internet?
Here's the twitpic: [link] (SFW).
You definitely can't get the previous resolution out of that copy.
That is a different picture from what I'm remembering.
Oh, right! Naked on a horse: that's this: [link] which is the one upthread. (And therefore has a teeny weeny in it--don't view with co-workers hovering).