You know, if I could talk to staff and crew, and see the sets and ask questions and NOT attend the con? I think I would almost be willing to do that. I'll be an hour, +/-, from the venue. I should probably do that. I have a list of shooting locations from all seasons, and DH has his Van and Burnaby maps, and is plotting out a couple of location tours, as well as some places from X-files, the Stargates, Jeremiah, DA, etc. I think standing in place and taking pictures from shooting POV may fulfill my fannish heart.
That seems so much more civilized than a con--which really seems like a form of torture to me. Geeking out with a set dresser might be fun, but not if Muffy wants to know what color Jared's eyes are against that funny colored wall.
I'm a terrible fan.
I think I've almost talked myself into it. I've never done a con and I haven't loved a show like this since Angel. Doing the actual con with the celebrity thing is kind of icky...but I could go up to my room if it was uncomfortable. The set stuff made the difference.
Worse case scenario I meet a mountie that looks like Paul Gross and run off into the mountains with him.
Worst case? You call that worst?
Beverly, if this were a slightly different universe, I would
be there.
I too am kind of squicked by the whole meet-the-actors thing, inasmuchas there's this whole hideous Beatlemania power imbalance thing in this situation, which is quite creepy - but still - set tour! With actual production team peeps! That would be
And - Impala! Aldis Hodge! Alona Tal! Steve Carlson live on stage! Jim Beaver! (And of course Misha & the Js, and the Ghostfacer guys etc etc).
Plastic Winchester Theatre. Complete with dodgy race and gender issues, and awesome Castiel. This is the fifth of five parts, but there are links to the previous parts at the top.
::is awed::
Ha...all of us are more in love with the production of the show than the actors. We are weird.
The only time I would be worried about losing control is around the Impala. Do you think licking the seat would be inappropriate? What?
I don't know. I'd love to be able to sit and talk to them, but about stuff people don't usually ask. Like, would they like to work together again in the future, when the show is done? And is Jensen as interested in directing and behind-the-camera stuff as he seems to be -- would he ever want to direct something, or write something? And if Jared is going to stick with action roles, or does he have a dream role that would surprise people?
Oh, I'd love to sit and talk to them, if I got the kind of random meeting opportunity that, say SA had when she went to have lunch with Roz K in London and Roz brought along her good friend
Neil Fucking Gaiman
to join them for sushi.
I would really like to talk to both the Js about acting stuff, and scripts, and I think I could probably talk shit with Misha about pretty much everything, actually, although I don't know whether he'd let a person get a word in edgeways. But that whole pay-money-to-be-photographed-with-them thing, and the Beatlemania thing...well, I think that would unavoidably put any conversations on a painfully uneven footing. Certainly with JA and JP, who've born the brunt of the craxy fannishness. So that side of it, whilst not without its appeal (for I am a fangirl) mostly makes me squirm, and not in a good way.
But I think with production people, one would be much more likely to be able to have proper conversations about the show, without them being freaked out that you were going to stalk them/fondle them/whatever. So that would be nice.
Meanwhile - I have randomly committed an act of SPN LOLcat.
Oh yeah, I don't have any interest in standing in line to get an autograph or a picture with them. That makes me shudder, too.*
I was thinking more of a ... randomly met in a cafe or bar thing, where you sit around and shoot the shit. Or even interviewing them.
- The whole "take a cruise with the cast of Twilight!" thing *really* freaks me out. I can't imagine being those actors, trapped on a frigging BOAT in the middle of the water with fans. Did they *know* that kind of thing was going to be required, because dude. That is a million and one opportunities for total crazy!fen behavior right there.