All the while I was thinking "If you people don't understand that his interaction with fans IS a social experiment, your level of denial is breathtaking."
No kidding. He's totally the mad scientist in this scenario and we are in pretty glassware that is probably from IKEA because most tv labs appear to be created this way.
All the while I was thinking "If you people don't understand that his interaction with fans IS a social experiment, your level of denial is breathtaking."
So true. I applaud what he's done with Random Acts -- that's exactly why you want to develop a fan base. The rest of it is him seeing what he can get away with, and he's welcome to do it, but I can't believe fans don't KNOW that's what he's doing.
And it's obvious he's having fun with the social experiment. I know the young lady in the Goblin King costume in this photo: [link]
She was delighted that Misha went along with the nonsense.
I don't even know what's happening. I definitely need to freeze a couple frames.
Wow, me either. I'm not sure I like the idea of an
"unholy trinity"
either, especially since it wasn't exactly that before.
Misha's resume up to this point seems to be a clear preparation for having subjects to mess with--I'm not sure why minions would think they're anything else...but say the level of conviction displayed by people who discuss their interactions with him is valid...10% of the time? That's easily enough for me to want to yell at them to gird their feelings, because they're investing way more than he is.
Even the best-educated actors about social media are ill-prepared. This shit takes time, and we have it, and the reason we know who they are is because they don't have the time, they've spent it getting an acting career and maintaining it. Never mind implied life having and baby raising, etc.
The Unholy Trinity was in the preview after last week's episode, and it confuses, because we have to wonder--is Castiel part of it under Naomi's orders? Her explicit orders, or is it what he has to do in order to achieve her goals? I do think the background of the white room flashed for a second, but I'm not clear.
I'm so sorry! I just...if you want to know another reason why Dean and Castiel
get together: [link] it's because of how their interaction has mapped to traditional myth so far, and clearly now that these commitments have been made in the incantation, this is the only possible narrative outcome. Free will? What free will? This is destiny, cupcakes.
is Castiel part of it under Naomi's orders? Her explicit orders, or is it what he has to do in order to achieve her goals?
Completely unclear to me. Also, I don't love
Meg as a blonde,
not that that has anything to do with anything.
This is destiny, cupcakes.
I got to the graph and nodded off. Uh huh.
I'm not going to pretend I read the inserts on that explanation--just enough to see if there was wiggle room to the relationship outcome, and nope. They will be getting it on. Because of heroin.
Or something. Kind of confusing, and also not interesting.
I hate destined crap. I'd much rather see someone choosing to love.
Wow, this is going to be a long hiatus. Maybe we need a game to play.
My sister has stopped on AHBL I. ONE. Because she doesn't have season three yet. I can't even respond to her email on Folsom Prison Blues until she's got Sam back, so we're not talking right now.