Apparently those of us who were enjoying the sight of Dean nesting and the boys creating a home for themselves have been interpreting things entirely wrong:
I've never missed a live episode since the Pilot, and the last time I was this disgusted with the show was at the end of Swan Song. I hung in there, though, through the SG years, because of Jensen. I waited and waited to see some reason, some purpose, for Dean to be in the show. He is, after all, a co-lead. Finally, I planned to give up on the show at the end of S7, and would have had the showrunner not been replaced. After last night's episode, I'm done. There is nothing in this show for me and even JA's fine acting isn't enough anymore. Seriously? Dean Winchester has been reduced to cleaning, decorating the new digs, cooking lunch for Sam, and even doing the grocery shopping for support characters. I haven't watched this show religiously for eight years to see Dean Winchester be turned into June Cleaver. What a bunch of crap and what a complete fool I have been.
All these people who for whatever reason declare dramatically that "I'm done!" Do they ever actually go away? Does it ever actually impact ratings? Because I think I saw somewhere that ratings were up 15% or so this season.
Finally, I planned to give up on the show at the end of S7
It also cracks me up that someone who has apparently hated the show since the end of S5 decides to take two more seasons before walking away. And then DOESN'T.
Anyone who doesn't understand Dean's "purpose" in this show is not smart enough to be watching it in the first place.
Also, way to define gender roles, and demean anything traditionally female.
Just because you stay here doesn't mean that those of us that get our feet dirty where the crazy is aren't going to track it back in here.
Interestingly enough, the people I'm encountering don't really seem to feel that Dean is getting short shrift--in fact, the word "nesting" is more clear evidence that he's about to bang an angel.
Because the writers are explicitly teasing them now, and everything is an obvious indication--not just that Dean is bi, but that he's going to shag Castiel. And now, if they don't do that, they're not just bad writers, they're bad people.
You know what disappointed me when Dean was cooking? That Sam was completely clueless that he knew his way around a kitchen. I preferred the fanon that had him putting basic dinners in front of a young Sammy. We know they weren't in motels the whole time--sure, they weren't in houses long enough to feel the rooms are theirs (I have a smidgen of experience of house to house bouncing, but no motels inbetween), but there are still 365 dinners a year.
While I appreciate the impact of the scene on now, I don't think it helps me understand then. And I want that too.
And, seriously, if Mommy!Dean bothers you, YOU'RE LATE.
Just because you stay here doesn't mean that those of us that get our feet dirty where the crazy is aren't going to track it back in here.
Oh, I know. And I do like to point and stare at it occasionally.
You know what disappointed me when Dean was cooking? That Sam was completely clueless that he knew his way around a kitchen.
Also, they sort of slid right over all of S6 there. Sam wasn't there, I know, but he certainly understood that Dean was domestic for a while.
I'll give Sam the benefit of the doubt in that he has years' worth of memories of cheap take-out and diner food (not to mention however long in Hell) between him and any of Dean cooking stuff for him in a kitchen.
It's really weird following a fanartist whose art you don't like--I used to follow Radioactive Mongoose on Tumblr, and I could never get into her deliberately awkward cartoony style. But she did good reblogs. Eventually her real life stuff and wank got annoying enough that I unfollowed her, though.
Now I'm following diminuel for her reblogs, and she's a clearly talented D/C artist, and there's very little way I could be less interested in her work (unless she was into anal prolapse like that one prolific manipper that almost got me banned from IO9 (I posted a manip of his with Dean's head (literally) up Sam's ass, and apparently it was so horrific that one of their admins forgot their NSFW rules and threatened to toss me--it's been months, and they've only now told me that said admin was overreacting, and if I label it clearly and post it one level down, it's fine--but who the fuck needs to post that twice?)) but there's not even pie! Why put in cake and no pie? (totally SFW, but if you have insulin issues, make sure you have your medication to hand).
That's so sweet I want to barf.
a manip of his with Dean's head (literally) up Sam's ass
Folks do know *some* things are not anatomically possible, right?
Can I just say: the Clark Kent thing really works for Dean. Rowr.
Sam explaining to Dean that it is his turn to do the world-saving had me real close to crying. That was beautiful.
Dean saying he was saving it on the way out, Sam saying he was saving it so they could both live...core mission statement for what I enjoy about the show.
I finally clicked on a random S6 fixit fic, and....tsk tsk. If you think that Dean thinking Sam is a douchebag (_souled_ Sam) is fixing things? We're not actually in it for the same things, so if you have no hot sex up front, I'm not hanging out with *this* Dean for any length of time.
Does anyone know where this is from: [link] ?